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Games I play in 2022

I guess this is as good a place as any to keep a list of what I'm playing this year.

List items

  • As of 01/03/2022, I've only done a couple of runs. I'm not too wild about the art style, which looks too much like clipart for my tastes, but there's a complex and highly tactical game in here, and I'll give it some time to grow on me.

  • Playing on the Castlevania game boy advance collection. I'm close to the end after roughly 10 hours. I don't know what the consensus is, but I've enjoyed it a lot. There are clever puzzles, difficult boss fights, and rewarding exploration. I'll try to beat it soon, but I'm having a hard time with what I think is the next to last boss. Time will tell.

  • I started this for my Ranking of Roguelikes blog. It's a fantastic piece of work so far, with a lot of personality and charm in the writing and presentation. More to come later.

  • Started playing again, trying to complete all the dungeons and finish the Book. It's going to take a while...

  • The latest in a long-running and favorite series of mine. The performance in handheld is a bit rough, with muddy textures and some frame drops, but it's still the SMT I love. Finding, fighting, and fusing demons never gets old, and there are a ton of improvements to the overall experience that make it easier to do what you want. I finished the Neutral route and will probably go back to see what the others have to offer.

  • The HD remaster on Switch is great. I never played it when it was new, so I'm experiencing the story of the demi-fiend for the first time. It has one of the better narratives out of the SMT games, and builds a world full of complex characters and thought-provoking ideas.

    Some of the dungeon gimmicks are frustrating, and the random encounter rate seems tuned just a bit too high in places. Still, it's an incredible game worth anyone's time and money.

  • An intriguing experiment in roguelike design: a bite-sized RPG that can be finished in a few hours. It's gorgeously drawn and animated. It has tremendous tactical and strategic depth. It also has some terrible writing that tries to hard to be clever and only ends up cliche. It's the sole black mark in an otherwise flawless title.