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Please allow me to gripe about something I’ve seen on some other sites that only partially relates to subject is the storage Issue. I sat through Cerny’s GDC talk about how the storage works and while the series X/S is not quite as fast as the PS5 it’s still much faster than the previous generation. There is a class of power user who are digital only and have either replaced their PS4 hard drive or bought a large external and basically wish to have all of their games installed and ready to go at all times. These new consoles are absolutely not going to be able to cater to these demands. The S having a 512 GB SSD especially. I haven’t looked at the Series S/X tear down that Digital Foundry did but my suspicion is that the SSD is part of the motherboard and non replaceable the price for the proprietary 1 GB SSD expansion card came out at $220 which is too expensive but not as bad as I thought it would be. But no amount of memory will get someone who makes a lot of digital purchases around the fact that they will need to either delete games when they run out of space or transfer them to an external. And while it sounds like you can store things on an external you won’t be able to run next gen games off of one. I got the Impression that both Jason on the west coast and Bakalar on the East Coast are External Hard Drive players and in at least Bakalar’s case I not sure he realizes what the SSD situation is yet from the way he was asking certain questions. On the PS5 there aren’t any expansion options yet and may not be at launch Cerny said they were going to use straight up use standard PCIE 4.0 NVME cards but none exist yet fast enough to be white listed for PS5. At least I think that’s the situation I welcome being corrected if I wrong.

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It would appear that this company did not have a tech focused or gaming focused vertical prior to this sale and they are keeping the existing upper CNET management in place. Doesn’t mean there won’t be layoffs but the same people who have left Giant Bomb to it’s own devices in the past due to it’s subscriber base are still in place and may continue to do so.

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I’m curious at least I’m in my mid 40’s so I’m at least aware of what a intellivision is or was at any rate. I think what they are working on is neat. I am unsure about there being a sustainable market for this thing. You do you and get hype for whatever you want. If it is successful we will be the ones with egg on are face not you. The chameleon thing that didn’t happen proved that if someone actually comes through with a console there will be interest. The Amico seems to have it’s ducks in a row in not the best of circumstances. Covid definitely got in there way but their still going.

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@rorie: it’s a Stadia exclusive!

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#5  Edited By krelmoon

The only game I’m playing that might count is Tokyo Mirage Sessions for the switch but I’m going to say it doesn’t as it is a port of a nearly two year old WiiU game that was already in HD and really shouldn’t count as a remaster. Xenoblade would count but I’m waiting until I finish Tokyo Mirage Sessions to get it. You never know it could go on sale or something (probably not)

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If I remember from earlier orcs must die games once you set the traps and hit go it can take awhile for the orcs to get back to where the player is. I’m assuming that if Stadia considers you idle during that time it might kick you off? Any clarification from the original poster would be appreciated. I played the original orcs must die on Onlive’s streaming platform after watching the quick look that must have been at least 5 years ago when I only had a MacBook and wanted to play PC games on it. I gave up after “buying” saints Row the third and having it be nearly unplayable with the input lag. Haven’t tried Stadia. Have a PC and a switch now. No need.

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No. They aren’t too negative.

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Chrome books are browser based laptops with limited to no operating system which is fine for how lots of people use pc’s but not gamers. There was a push at one time to get some games running on these things but other than emulators there just isn’t a lot available and your right they don’t run straight Windows 10 so you’re limited to what is made specifically for them. I don’t know what is available for you but last time I checked there was a sweet spot in gaming laptops of a portable 1070 card with a 15’ 1440p screen being not horribly expensive but I’m a year out of the market and it’s possible you could do better. But that is what to look for in a gaming laptop: video card and screen resolution. The other components should scale to match.

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@mobiusfun: asked about what happens if you don’t pay your taxes. I could talk at length about this as a former IRS employee but it’s pretty involved and not part of the main topic of this thread. Short answer is not a lot as far as the government goes and no immediate problems for the non payer but there are records and they will eventually garnish wages to get back taxes. They don’t hold all the cards but have enough to make nonpayment more of a hassle that it is worth. There are of course detailed reasons for all of this but it’s too much to get into here. Just imagine if we taxed rich people fairly without the loopholes the IRS would turn into the good guys and I wouldn’t have had to quit in disgust.

Overall a lot of critical thinking and learning in this thread. It got heated but didn’t devolve too badly. I’m technically already doing the OP software boycott but as I said earlier this situation is a little too big for us to deal with as a community. The situation on the ground in Hong Kong has unfortunately become what I feared when the thread started the law had just been passed now after two days it is clear that 8 million people just lost all freedom of expression. I hope some of the most vulnerable can get out but it’s not clear they will be allowed to leave. It’s really tough for me personally I was a crewman on a aircraft carrier assigned to be a symbolic backup to the British Naval fleet that oversaw the handover to China back in 1997. I had spent a lot of time there and loved it. To see it all come to an end like this is heartbreaking. I been looking through 25+ year old pictures and my late grandfather’s pictures from back in the 30’s and a place I knew really well once will possibly never be the same. Thanks for this thread to let me sort through all my old memories.

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That astroboy game is no joke solid mega man style shooting platformer with visual novel story elements and lots of hidden surprises.