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Goodbye Giant Bomb. I’ll miss the good times, but they are far behind us now.

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Games for the Turbo Grafx 16 you should have played.

They're obvious choices, but they're the ones that matter. There are other good games released for the Turbo Grafx 16, but these are the cream of the crop. These are the games that, if you never owned a Turbo Grafx 16, you missed out on.

List items

  • A side-scrolling shooter that took the popular Bonk character and tossed him into the skies. Absolutely bananas all the time, and totally rad.

  • The single most solid vertical scrolling shooter ever made. While not incredibly challenging by bullet hell standards, this game had perfect pacing, cool weapons, and incredible boss battles.

  • This is the only acceptable answer to the question: "What's a good Bomberman game?". No other Bomberman game (besides the "okay" Japan-only Bomberman 94) has come remotely close to being this good. Phenomenal music, crazy boss battles, and imaginative world design made this into the definitive Bomberman experience. If you haven't played this game, you have no idea what the fuck Bomberman even is.

  • A delightful and challenging romp through pre-historic craziness as a caveman with a massive noggin' and a penchant for smashing things.

  • Probably one of the best action puzzle games nobody ever played. The goal is to roll different coloured orbs onto their respective platforms, while at the same time using those same orbs to avoid and destroy enemies and obstacles.

  • You're a guy who walks real slow and has a dinky sword, and is so weak that falling cats are a genuine threat to your health, but then you jump on a wooden platform, a rainbow carries you away, AND THEN YOU'RE SUDDENLY IN A CRAZY SAMURAI ROBOT WARRIOR SUIT WITH JET BOOSTERS AND A WICKED AWESOME LASER SWORD!!!!! Also, you fight guys who have giant guns sticking out of their faces.

  • A vastly superior remake of the NES original. Constantly run and collect fruit to survive, while picking up various weapons to destroy the various enemies blocking your path.

  • This is a somewhat dumbed down version of the arcade game, but as far as I know it's the only console version ever made available. As one of the original gory games, this puppy made quite an impact at the time. While by today's standards it's nothing fancy, when it was released being able to smash dudes into the background and have them explode into piles of gore was amazing.