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I love that some people say that RE8 is too campy, but also love RE4...arguably the campiest silliest games in the series, with such wonders as: Leon's incredibly stupid one liners that make Ethan look like a goddamn poet (*unprovoked* Rain or shine, you're going down! and of course Your right hand comes off?), Tiny screeching Napoleon, 2 a castle connected via literal rollercoaster, lava sections in an ABOVE GROUND castle, rooms that contain nothing but large swinging sword blades, a giant zombie catfish boss, and my personal favorite, a giant MOVING statue of Tiny Napoleon that chases you down a bridge that is literally never mentioned by any of the characters or ever explained.

And 4's story is one of the most basic action movie schlock things in the franchise, with such forgettable cardboard cutouts like Lord Sadler, Luis, Ashley, and whatever the fuck Krauser was doing. At least RE7 and 8 try to say something about family, loss, fear, and sacrifice. I love RE4, but don't forget that as fun as it is from a gameplay perspective, it is a very, very stupid game (that is 80% an escort mission with a terrible charge).

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@sombre: A simple starting routine for you. Three days a week (Mon. Wed. Fri., if you can manage it.) For you first week, it may only be 2 days (as you might be a bit too sore). That's normal and okay. When it becomes easy to do max repetitions (reps) for all 3 sets (a full number of reps), up your weight. If you want to know what the form looks like, Google should help you. The benefit of this routine is that it is almost entirely machine-based, which makes maintaining form quite a bit easier.

Squat (preferably assisted with a Smith Machine. If you have trouble squatting all the way down, put a low bench (most gyms have them) underneath you and squat-sit (basically go down until your butt is just barely above the bench): 5 reps X 3 sets (1 minute and 30 sec. rest between sets)

Form note: keep spine straight. Test with an unweighted bar, close your eyes an do a single rep. Pay attention to how the weight feels on your spine. If you feel it in your lower back, your spine may be too crooked.

Bench press (or press machine, preferably): 5 reps x 3 sets (1 minute and 30 sec. rest between sets)

Form note: keep your shoulders pulled back as much has you can. You should feel this in your chest and arms, not your shoulder. It's not a huge deal on a machine, but on a free barbell you can injure your shoulder having them come up/forward and bear too much weight.

Pull downs: Same deal. 5 reps X 3 sets (1 minute and 30 sec. rest between sets)

Leg curls: 10 reps X 3 (1 min. rest between sets)

CRITICAL IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not go to failure! Your first set should be 5 clean, smooth reps, maybe struggling a little at the fifth. Previously, it was thought that training to failure was the best way to maximize gains, but that has recently been proven to be less effective than training just BEFORE failure. For max efficiency, your should NOT be red in the face, limbs shaking on your final rep of ANY set. If so, it's too heavy. Lower the weight.

Remember: While the 5 rep-range is going to be on the heavier side, it's totally okay to not be lifting super heavy weight at first. You're a Level 1 weightlifter right now. You gotta kill some mobs first, level up a bit. What matters is you getting stronger than before, not how much you lift.

This routine should take maybe 40-45 min., I think. You'll probably want to add an ab routine in there somewhere, but this is a good, simple beginner routine for overall body strength. The squats in particular are a big deal, as they work a large muscle group, which in term helps your body produce more testosterone and growth hormones. That is the real reason why you've heard "you don't wanna skip leg day."

Hope this helps!

As for what to wear, that really depends on the gym dress code (if they have one). I've worked out in everything from khakis to athletic pants, and while it's easier with squats in looser clothes, it really doesn't matter all that much, though I definitely recommend comfy shoes. Best of luck, duder!

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Maybe a way to look at is, yes you are giving SOME money to Rowling, even if you disagree with her terrible fucking takes on things. But. You are ALSO giving significantly more money to the studio and team that created this game, which may not share those views, and will enable them to make more games in the future. So maybe the question is, is it better to penalize potentially hundreds of people who have nothing to do with Rowling's issues JUST to punish 1 person (Rowling) a little more, or better to let Rowling get a small cut at the cost of supporting people that may deserve it?

(I know nothing about the studio or it's team, just making some basic assumptions they're good people until proven otherwise)

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Just finished two old 40k books DRACO: Inquisitor and Death World. Currently rereading Neuromancer for the...10th time? After that, probably Summer of the Ubume.

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It says something that the only moment of excitement for me in the entire press conference, despite liking Assassin's Creed, Vampire the Masquerade, Bright Memory, and the aesthetics of HR Geiger and the Ascent...was Yakuza 7, and then only because I thought they would FINALLY give us a goddamn US Release date...

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Having been spoiled, it's a BOLD direction to take a video game that got much of its acclaim from the acting and dynamic between Joel and Ellie. That has NOTHING to do with Ellie's sexual orientation, or the fact that there maybe be a trans character though. Ellie is canonically gay, always has been, so people getting up in arms about it is silly. If they liked Ellie in TLoU 1, I can't imagine they'll dislike her here. If the trans character is who I think it, based on what I've read about the plot, her being trans shouldn't, in a decent world, be any reason to dislike her. That said, I kinda like where the plot seems to go (assuming we can believe the spoilers). It's a bold direction to take a beloved game, and there's always going to be something refreshing about that to me, even if it is a literal game changer as far as the original game and potential series is concerned. Creative risks are FUN :)

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28, history of depression. Got help, started meds, meditation, cognitive behavioral changes, working out, etc. It's given me a lot of perspective, but there was something still off. I couldn't put my finger on it. Then my current office job started looking a lot less secure (company in the red, layoffs) and I started looking for new work...and had a realization. I don't enjoy what I do. It's not terrible; I don't hate it, but I take no joy from it, no satisfaction. So I started looking at what I really enjoy doing and what I'm good now I'm getting published. Short stories 99 cents, but it's the dream. I'm anxious as hell about it, but it's the kind of fear that comes with a big change, the kind that part of you doesn't want to make, but another part knows you NEED to make.

This thread is really great, btw. Kudos to everybody here.

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Sleep. Do the impossible. See the invisible. Row row.

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As others have said, the facts that support an opinion may be incorrect, but an opinion can't be wrong or right. Unless you're severely lacking in self-awareness and an opinion you share, "I think X is pretty good," is, in fact, not what you really think. Then it's wrong not because of some objective measure, but simply because it isn't yours.