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Thoughts around the bin laden events

 A  thing I noticed in the global rush for blood; how everyone is so happy that he is dead. Sure, who aren't, but where is the justice? Even the great freedom loving Ban Kai Moon went out pleased with Laden's death and how the world is so safe now when one man who's been in hiding for a decade is dead. Where's the trial? The questions about the Muhajedin group in the 1980s? How the western world funded what we  today call "terrorist activities"? No, it's just good with him dead - and buried at sea. They say he is, so he is.

So in practice, as soon as you've been targeted for termination, then the whole "world community" will celebrate your death. To hell with justice, trials, defendants, proof and even history. We don't need all that, just shoot the damn thing and get it over with! Just like all those computer games. I mean, try reason with the monsters there, right?