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#1  Edited By kingcanim
@Durandir:  ya i completly agree with you i just wanted to to see what people thorght and to see if any one would come up with interesting and inovative ideas. thanks for the feed back
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#2  Edited By kingcanim

like prince_of_space said it comes down to you as the player do you let the doc complet her resherch on the kid or do you side with the  down troden slaves and kidnap the baby takeing her a way from her perents and the safety of her home to be tested on by werner and madea really its a lose lose situation it i really comes down to what you prefere

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#3  Edited By kingcanim

first blog entry lets start it with a bang I have been a long time time fan of the fallout franchice and like most of the games loved 1&2 , thorght that tactics was ok played it to the end and enjoyed it at times, never played brotherhood of steel and never will; i will not let it soly my memorys of fallout, played the hell out of fallout three on the pc and the 360 and enjoyed every moment of it. But what I have been wondering is would a remake of the first games on a 3D engien be any good. In my veiw it would be a good game but it would be a very different game .  To any one how comes across this let me know what you think and what you would do to the game if you had the chance to change it.