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Pointless blog about me that you should not read.

Hi all , im Noobtuber Keron and i like to fail in every computer game.
I like FPS shooters , RPGS (like fallout 1n2 and little bit 3 an new vegas ) , I like MMOs  , I like stupid games that are like idle or minigames. 
In shooters I like Team fortress 2, Battlefield 2 bad company 2 , some other nice Shooters or Singleplayer games .like Bioshock 1 n 2 that are FPS/RPG/Adventure style .. you should pick that up ... and erm I play World of warcraft , Palgamõrvar / Zenedar EU if anyone care .. I got Steam too if anyone care ... And i got no idea why the fork im writing and Blog because i dont do that kind of stuff much .. This is my second blog .. my first one was deleted because it was spamm in Giant bomb , yesterday .
I like to play in steam i like to pre purchase games , I like to play RTS like Starcraft 1/2 , Warcraft 2-3 never played Warcraft 1 lol and Then i like some random RTS like Age of empires 1-2-3 .. not so much 3 but its fun too then again in FPS i like DOOM , Half life 1, Half life 2 is kinda oke but not my taste cause its kinda booring and well i like.
Quake 3 and i used to play Quake Live my name there is SkillSilla if anyone got own by me you know it , and I play Battlefield bad company 2 and my tag there is SkillZilla320 -And im Big fan of Retro games like Warcraft 2 , Doom , Duke nukem 3D , Shadow warrior , Hexen , Heretic , Blood and tons of old good games (GOG)
I hope you didnt enjoyd my blog.