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Bungie teasing a new Halo game?

It seems like Bungie loves to tease their fans. Check out this video, it's Luke Smith suddenly appearing from a blue Spartan, which is all footage in the game.

The video was made as Bungie’s response to the Edge Innovation Award (which Halo 3 has won two years running now), and it displays this blue spartan running around various parts of the multiplayer map “Rat’s Nest” being a really jerk by telling us that Bungie is hard at work at some project. While he wouldn’t say what the project was, there was plenty of hints that it was another Halo game (the biggest being that the video is run in Halo 3 itself). At one point he even says, “Even though in Halo 3 you finished the fight, it doesn’t necessarily mean the rides over.” Isn’t that confirmation enough?