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3.8 stars

Average score of 6 user reviews

Great Writing, Okay Poker, Repetitive Dialogue 0

King-Ace hole cards? You bet I'm gonna call. Poker Night 2 is Telltale's sequel to the weird and fun, if a bit barebones, surprise PC title Poker Night At The Inventory, a game that brought together a smattering of characters from various video game related franchises to play some poker with the player, celebrity poker style, and offered a number of Team Fortress 2 items as rewards for doing well. While this sequel changes up the roster, it also manages to build on the original in almost every...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Needs Some Work, But Great Customization 0

Champions Online, the second superhero MMO from game developer Cryptic Studios, has been out for a few years now. Long enough that it's developers can't really be excused for the ongoing, long-term issues the game has had- but it's not all bad. There's a good game in here, if you're willing to look. Unfortunately, the game itself doesn't have enough staying power.When Everyone's Super, Nobody Will BeWhile the game's art style has some detractors, I personally find the bright, colorful look t...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A Post-Mortem Look At The Flagship Superhero MMO 0

For full disclosure, I was a long time player of City of Heroes, dating back to the original game's preorder beta. I didn't stay subscribed to the game for it's entire lifespan, for a number of reasons, but I experienced just about every aspect of the game over the years. As of December, 2012, the game is no longer active. This review is not for the title in it's "current state", since it's basically nonexistent but rather, a review of the experience I had with City of Heroes over it's eigh...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Level editing made easy! 0

Portal 2 is one of those games that's so perfectly executed, it makes you worry whenever they try to add something new to it. Luckily, the Perpetual Testing Initiative not only gives you one of the easiest to use level editors in any game, but it includes a sizable amount of new Cave Johnson dialogue specifically for these user made maps, and thanks to Steam Workshop, sharing these levels with friends or strangers is incredibly easy.At a glance, it's easy to mistake the level editor as being may...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Harley Quinn's Revenge is fun, but weak in a narrative sense. 0

A highly anticipated add-on to Batman: Arkham City, Harley Quinn's Revenge is going to be held up to some high standards. Unfortunately, in terms of both gameplay and narrative, it doesn't meet them.Anyone who's played the base game knows that Arkham City is a Batman experience to be remembered. Throughout the game there's a very well-crafted sense of progression not only in terms of the story, but Batman's capabilities and the similarly escalating threats he has to face along the way. Harley Qu...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

A solid game with some big missing PC features. 0

Transformers: War for Cybertron is a good game.  The combat is fast and controls well, the characters and weapons provide plenty of variety, and multiplayer has a good number of game modes to play.  These strong points apply to every version of the game, PS3, 360, and PC.  These also are likely covered extensively in other reviews.  So I'm going to focus on what the PC version does differently, and why it's not so much a 'version' as it is a somewhat lazy port.  WfC on the PC is missing one key ...

3 out of 5 found this review helpful.