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Kajaah117's forum posts

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#1  Edited By Kajaah117
@the_hiro_abides said:
" @SeriouslyNow said:
" @whitesox said:
" @Kajaah117 said:
" @Andorski said:
" I'll subscribe the second after the deadline. "
This is exactly what I was afraid of. The community is already divided. People who would love to support their favorite people in the world but can't afford it(people like me), and the elitist snobs that have the money but are holding it until after the deadline just to deprive us of our Bombcast.   Fuck this bullshit. I hope they have it in their hearts to leave the Bombcast untouched even if they don't meet their "pledge" quota, but no matter how much I love the Bombsquad, I won't ever be able to listen to a belated Bombcast without feeling like I'm no longer a part of this community. "Here you go non-payer, I ate all the skin off the KFC but I saved you the white meat." "
Absolutely. "
Absolutely NOT.  These people have been generating entertaining and informative content for almost three years and now, when they make it clear that their previous method of income either doesn't work or has potential to change the way content is generated and that they would rather deal with their userbase directly, you act like they owe you something.  Actually you owe them.  We all do.  Don't be so goddam cheap.  You'll pay more for a game which only gives you a marginal amount of entertainment return by comparison.  Get real and stop acting like someone stole something from you when you never paid for it in the first place. "
I agree. I've been going to giantbomb almost everyday for the last year or so. I'd rather throw them some money than any large corporate game site like IGN or the like. Besides, the videos are still free. Quick looks and endurance runs are my favorite part. "
You guys act like we're deliberately keeping money from them. I just don't have the money. If I could, I would be on my knees sucking their balls right this very second... but it doesn't work like that. I want to help and support this incredible group of people, but I literally can not. At least not now, and this is why the Bombcast ransom sucks. Why the arbitrary 10a.m. cutoff time? I'll give them my money when I can, but the Bombcast shouldn't suffer because some of us just don't have the money right now.
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#2  Edited By Kajaah117
@Baconator said:

" @Kajaah117 said:

" I really hope the people waking up on the Eastern Hemisphere got our backs, because if this goal is not met, I will be reminded every Tuesday that I'm not getting the full GiantBomb experience. ... "

Yep, I got your back. Signing up on my lunch break in a couple of hours. I'm primarily signing up because the community shouldn't have to put up with a split podcast. It's one of the best features of this site and messing with it sounds like a horrible idea. "
I thank you, good sir.  
This time-sensitive quota is lame anyway. It should be an overall goal. What does it matter if they get 5,000 subscribers by 10 a.m. tomorrow or even months from now? They're still getting the money to support the bandwidth. Nobody's going to put a bloody Luchadeer head in their bed if they don't have the money by tomorrow... it's actually us in that situation if you  think about it..
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#3  Edited By Kajaah117
@SeriouslyNow said:
" @whitesox said:
" @Kajaah117 said:
" @Andorski said:
" I'll subscribe the second after the deadline. "
This is exactly what I was afraid of. The community is already divided. People who would love to support their favorite people in the world but can't afford it(people like me), and the elitist snobs that have the money but are holding it until after the deadline just to deprive us of our Bombcast.   Fuck this bullshit. I hope they have it in their hearts to leave the Bombcast untouched even if they don't meet their "pledge" quota, but no matter how much I love the Bombsquad, I won't ever be able to listen to a belated Bombcast without feeling like I'm no longer a part of this community. "Here you go non-payer, I ate all the skin off the KFC but I saved you the white meat." "
Absolutely. "
Absolutely NOT.  These people have been generating entertaining and informative content for almost three years and now, when they make it clear that their previous method of income either doesn't work or has potential to change the way content is generated and that they would rather deal with their userbase directly, you act like they owe you something.  Actually you owe them.  We all do.  Don't be so goddam cheap.  You'll pay more for a game which only gives you a marginal amount of entertainment return by comparison.  Get real and stop acting like someone stole something from you when you never paid for it in the first place. "
I CAN NOT AFFORD IT! If I had the money, it would be in their pocket right now. I can't afford Live, I can barely manage Netflix, and now I can't get my regular Bombcast... 
.... which brings me to the problem we all have with this: hypocrisy. They made a point of doing what they can to not divide the community or take away features from the free members and put them behind a paywall, but that's what this is. The poor people miss out on half the inside-jokes for a full week by not being able to listen to the full Bombcast. That's both segregation and feature-removal.  
If this paid service was just the additional features to go along with the standard GiantBomb experience it would be perfect, but retroactively butchering the heart and soul of the site, the podcast, goes against everything they said this paid subscription would mean.
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#4  Edited By Kajaah117

I really hope the people waking up on the Eastern Hemisphere got our backs, because if this goal is not met, I will be reminded every Tuesday that I'm not getting the full GiantBomb experience. That feeling of segregation will cripple my enjoyment of all of the other content available as well. 
Please, please, please sign up for at least a month. Some of us can't make a purchase like this on such short notice and we're relying on you to save our beloved Bombcast.

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#5  Edited By Kajaah117

We need more time. Even if I had the money, it takes 24 hours for deposits to go through at my bank. It's literally impossible for me to make the deadline, and I"m sure it's the same for many others.  
They haven't even advertised the memberships anywhere on the front page(the Live show could mean anything to people just clicking around) and Twitter is the only place they've mentioned this 5,000 subscriber deal in concrete text-form. The awareness levels for the memberships just aren't high enough to reach this goal soon enough. =(

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#6  Edited By Kajaah117

Says the guy with a gold medal around his avatar. The price for Live just went up! I now have to choose between socializing with friends I'll never get to talk to otherwise, or to listen to the best podcast on the net without having to wait an entire week. A long, painful week of not understanding the community's new podcast-related inside-jokes.

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#7  Edited By Kajaah117
@Andorski said:
" I'll subscribe the second after the deadline. "
This is exactly what I was afraid of. The community is already divided. People who would love to support their favorite people in the world but can't afford it(people like me), and the elitist snobs that have the money but are holding it until after the deadline just to deprive us of our Bombcast.  
Fuck this bullshit. I hope they have it in their hearts to leave the Bombcast untouched even if they don't meet their "pledge" quota, but no matter how much I love the Bombsquad, I won't ever be able to listen to a belated Bombcast without feeling like I'm no longer a part of this community. "Here you go non-payer, I ate all the skin off the KFC but I saved you the white meat."
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#8  Edited By Kajaah117
@SlashseveN303 said:

" @Kajaah117 said:

" @SpikeSpiegel said:
" Gah, everyone is dramatic. My God. "
Some of us can't afford to listen to our favorite podcast... that's kind of a big deal. "
To be fair... you can afford to listen to it, it's free, you just can't listen to all of it right away. Yeah, I guess that's just as bad for some people... but really, all this hyperbole is kinda outrageous, though I feel like things have calmed down a bit. Not sure if that's a good thing or if people just feel defeated on both sides of the argument. "
The podcast is such a time-sensitive thing though. Waiting a full week to listen to it... I'd rather not listen to it at all. Imagine if this happened just before E3... the forums would be divided into people that understand what the fuck an "orange jumpthuit" is and why the number "775" is so funny, and people wondering what the hell all of the inside jokes are.  
Dividing the Bombcast divides the community. Plain and simple.
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#9  Edited By Kajaah117
@SpikeSpiegel said:
" Gah, everyone is dramatic. My God. "
Some of us can't afford to listen to our favorite podcast... that's kind of a big deal.
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#10  Edited By Kajaah117
@Chris2KLee said:
" Should have bought "My Notebook: Carbon". Would have solved your note problem. "
He's holding out for "My Notebook: Shift."  
They'll never recapture the charm of "My Notebook: Most Wanted" though.