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Transbot world record attempts.

This is my copy of Transbot, The Sega Card
This is my copy of Transbot, The Sega Card

So, I have since applied for a new registered at the Twin Galaxies International Scoreboard, and have been working on some world records. The most important record for me is Transbot [sms] because it's obscure even though it's an amazing game. I hoping that through getting the world record, I can provoke other gamers out there to compete and familiarize themselves with the game. Who knows, maybe they will enjoy the game and gain a respect for it. The next game on the list for world record is Outrun [sms] [two records at once] and Gunstar Heroes [gen]. I have, in practice sessions, exeeded the world record time/score in all three. In fact I've doubled and, in some cases, tripled it.

All I have to do now is record a good solid play session for each. Outrun is a sinch to record because the faster I beat it, the better score I'll have. And I can complete a game of Outrun in roughly five minutes. The others will take a lot longer to complete because time is not a factor, so I just be trying to stay alive as long as possible while racking up as many points as possible. I have figured out most of the strategies that many others know for the games Gunstar Heroes and Outrun, but I have figured out the perfect strategies for Transbot. The key is to get five extra ships before you lose your first ship. That's all I will say [I don't want others claiming my strategies for their own].