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Average score of 9 user reviews

Two Bloody Thumbs Way Up 0

The original Dead Rising is a game that I wish I could enjoy, but the developers seemed dead set on making that impossible.  There is an odd kind of joy to be had in using everything at your disposal in a big shopping mall to kill scores of zombies, and I admit I wanted to see how the story of Willamette and wartime photojournalist Frank West unfolded.  But the atrociously bad AI for fellow survivors and the teeth gnashingly difficult psycho battles combin...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

I See The Light! 0

                       Alan Wake is a game that focuses upon a novelist of the same name.  Alan has been suffering from a severe case of writer's block for a couple of years, so he and his wife travel to a small town out in the forests of the Pacific Northwest called Bright Falls.  Soon after arriving, though, something bad happens, and Alan wakes up from a car crash out in the woods.  He has no idea how he got there or where his wife is, and he has no recollection of an...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

One of the Finest Possum-With-A-Rocket Games of All Time 0

My introduction to Rocket Knight Adventures happened when my little brother brought it home one day from the used bookstore.  I had no clue what this thing was.  Then I watched him play it.  That's when I fell in love with the game.  Rocket Knight Adventures came out in 1993, a time when you couldn't throw a rock without hitting a mascot-based platformer.  Every company was trying desperately to create their own Mario or Sonic.  Rocket Knight Adventures' hero Sparkster was definitely an attempt ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Raindrops Get Falling On My Head 0

Heavy Rain emphasizes the story in ways few games try.  Just consider that the developers are calling it "Interactive Drama", and you'll see just how important the plot is to them.  I wrapped up my first playthrough of Heavy Rain back in February, and it's still managed to stick in my brain.  Not many video game stories do that.  Heavy Rain was developed by Quantic Dream, whose prior work was the very good, yet admittedly flawed Indigo Prophecy (or Fahrenheit, if you're in Europe) .  Heavy Rain ...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A Great New Direction 0

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is the kind of game I would love to make someday.  I love to play the traditional styles of video games, but if I were to actually get involved in making games, I would want to make the kinds of games that explore video games as a story-telling medium.  I often think about the unique methods video games can use to convey ideas and stories to the player.  These are methods that are different than films, television, or even books.  In games, the player is in contro...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Solid, But Not Spectacular 0

When you talk about Resident Evil 5, you're going to hear a lot of comparisons to Resident Evil 4.  You've already heard a ton of them.  You're going to hear a lot more.  There are very good reasons for this.  One of them is that RE4 was a groundbreaking game that was an incredible experience.  It changed the way people thought of the Resident Evil universe, and was important to the future development of third person shooters.  One other reason why the comparisons to RE4 is justified is that RE5...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

One of the Greatest Games of All Time 0

You hear the phrase "Best Game Ever!!" bandied around a lot these days.  However, I am not exaggerating when I say that Chrono Trigger justly deserves that title.  It is my favorite RPG of all time, and justly deserves to be on any greatest games of all time list.  The art, characters, and story all present a charm and wonder even in the midst of the swarms of RPGs out today.  The story is engaging, as you zip around time and try to save the world (of course).  It's pretty cool to see the effect...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

An Overlooked Gem 0

Let's be clear here:  Hotel Dusk is not for everyone.  I don't want to make a statement like, "You must play this game!  It will change your life!"  That's a straight up lie that could piss someone off when they play it and their life remains unchanged.  That said, it is well worth trying.  I think it was an under-marketed game that passed under a lot of people's radar, and that's a crying shame.  I absolutely loved this game and hope to God that somehow another one gets made.This is technically...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Stranglehold Not Worth Your Time 0

I didn't finish Stranglehold.  There are games that I never finish because I didn't find the time, but I always think, "I should go back and finally finish that one."  Stranglehold isn't one of those games.Now remember that I'm not a professional reviewer.  I can respect that they are expected to play through the entire game before submitting their final score.  But for someone like me, who's just a regular dude, I think there's value in saying that I didn't find it worth my time to keep playing...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.