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Joining Team Giant Bomb for Extra Life!

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Extra Life!

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I am proud to be a member of this community and of Team Giant Bomb. I am also proud to have raised nearly $1000 for sick kids. I cannot wait for the fun to happen this year. I am hoping to meet or exceed my record amount of $500 this year! I am also hoping to have some prizes to give away at certain times/donation levels (more on this at a later date).

So please, donate to help sick kids HERE. Feel free to watch the fun and hang out on game day (Nov 5th and 6th) on my twitch channel, HERE.

Saturday 11-5-16 (9 am to 9 pm): Conclusions, Staples, and Happy Memories

Finish Julia Among the Stars: A slow paced adventure game first thing in the morning!

World of Warcraft: Need to do my dailies! Karazhan! Old Raids!

Diablo 1: Still my favorite Diablo!

More on deck and I will even be taking requests!

Sunday 11-6-16 (9 am to 9 pm): New Worlds, Old Worlds, Dead Worlds

Dark Souls 2: I have owned it for a few months and have never played it, so this should go well!

Skyrim: The music! The sky box! The snow!

More on deck and I will even be taking requests!

This is an early list and will likely change on stream day.

Once again, thank you for helping our awesome team here at Giant Bomb and, more importantly, helping heal sick children!

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