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Nintendo @ E3

I'm usually lukewarm on Nintendo's showings. I enjoy Nintendo games well enough; it's just that the company has a history of seeming awkward and unconcerned with its audience. This year's presentation gave me a whole lot to be excited about: Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid: Other M, Epic Mickey. But what I'm really anxious to play are Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kid Icarus Uprising.
Pit's first showings on the NES were not great but since the advent of 3D consoles (3D as in polygons not viewing effects), I've thought that Pit could do well in a new game. I'm glad to see he's coming back. While the 3DS wasn't the platform I would have predicted, I'll definitely pick it up and, hey, maybe we can hope there's a Wii title somewhere.
Kirby's Epic Yarn was a left fielder for me. The art style is great, there's some nifty tricks in the use of fabric as a mechanical component, and it has the charm and ingenuity that Nintendo is known for.