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I had my first drink Friday...

One daiquiri that tastes mostly like smoothie until the very bottom where upon it went WHOA. Apparently, I have a very low alcohol tolerance level. That's all I have to say about that.


My thoughts on GB

I like it. Sure, I get frustrated with some submissions and small things that are bound to human error, but overall, I like the site a lot.


Too much is never enough

As I wait on my pending submission, I guess I should go through some of my games. I have no idea what I want to play right now though, so decisions decisions, I'll see if anyone wants a say in the choices that I have. The following is a list of games with how much I've played them:

LoZ: Phantom Hourglass- Nada
Bomberman NES- Level 6
Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced- Just discovered the cards
Rune Factory: A Harvest Moon- My first spring is almost over
FFCC: Ring of Fates- Just finished the area where I got Gnash (the bow boy)
Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja- I can't remember, but I think the villagers fell asleep
Magical Starsign- The last area of the game
Final Fantasy III- Honestly, I have no idea because it's been so long.
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords- I wasn't terribly far in the game, but I can't recall where.
Chibi-Robo- Beat it, but I still had a few other things to do
LoZ: Four Swords- I'd guess about half-way in
Pikmin- I got frustrated with the fourth or fifth area and put off playing it
Metroid Prime- Nada
Super Mario Sunshine- Somewhere in the middle
Luigi's Mansion-...somewhere in the middle
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody- At least one year done
Ogre Battle 64- I was rather far, but since I haven't played it in so long, I'd be starting a brand new file
Earthbound- I think I'd be starting over because I think my cartridge has a glitch when it comes to Ness' stats
Secret of Evermore- The very end
Dangerous High School Girls- Exposing the mayor outside of town

Also, I'm considering playing one of these through again:

Super Mario RPG
Tetris Attack
Turtles in Time
Super Mario Brothers (all three)
Tales of Symphonia
Donkey Kong 64

A gamer's lifestyle comes with hard choices. They'll become even harder once I get this tech issue fixed with Curse of Monkey Island and receive Mystical Ninja.