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@humanity: I feel they've released one too many broken games at launch. That's my issue, they can make annual games with micro-transactions til the cows come home, those things are advertised and the consumer has the opportunity to be informed prior to purchase. Broken games are a different story and after Assassins Creed 3, Splinter Cell Conviction, Watch Dogs and Assassins Creed Unity they aren't in my good graces.

Their advertising being incredibly misleading and staged doesn't help either.

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@mike: Those are the same things I've felt, and I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't notice that this game has the same structure as a typical Ubisoft checklist open world (much like JC1 and 2.) The well rendered explosions don't fool me.

And speaking of Ubisoft, Siege came out the same day and it's a fantastic game that's actually trying new things. So I've dropped cash on that instead, I do still feel grubby for giving Ubisoft money however.

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Yep, seems like a good sub $15 sale game on Steam to me.

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I've played a fair amount of the game now and though I agree with the general statement of "It's more Fallout 3" I feel like it has a lot less charm than Fallout 3.

The quests have just been really quite bland, even if you remove all the "assist X settlement" quests I still feel like over 50% of the quests are "go here, kill raiders." Where is F4's Oasis equivalent? Where is it's Republic of Dave? Why was there no Ghoul celebrating his birthday in the metro tunnels and why wasn't there a pair of loons dressing up as robots and mutant ants having a battle in the streets?

I very much reflect your opinion, and I especially mirror the comments on the RPG elements which may potentially break my tradition of doing a replay once all the DLC's are out and the GOTY edition is $7.50 on sale.

It's a real shame and in the year of open world games hitting a stride it serves a strong contrast of where other games have advanced in design, leaving Bethesda in their wake.

That being said, still no one makes games like Bethesda.

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@thatonedudenick: No idea what's up with your game but any time "Enter to Confirm" appears for me both E and Spacebar work as well.

Good review, as has been said glad that they're finally being called out on this. Everyone was suuuper harsh on Obsidian with New Vegas even when they weren't with Bethesda on F3 and Skyrim. In general these games need to be polished. Having used the tools I can understand why all these bugs happen but at this point every other company has moved on Bethesda needs to as well.

That being said I've barely had any bugs in my 8 or so hours. The only things I've actually noticed were a dude lodging himself between my Power Armor and a wall and a Crow getting stuck in a tree branch. Here's to hoping it holds up.

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Edited By ivdamke

@e30bmw: I think that might be a response to how the first trailer implied that you couldn't play a female and there was a whole bunch of rumor about it. Even though we know you can now, it still seems like an acknowledgement of a marketing mistake.

Oh yea and on top of that her VA is a shitton better. I've watched a few of the leaks and I really don't like the males voice actor so that helped me decide whether to play male or female.

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Jesus christ, Dan was hilarious in this QL. Whipping out the music when it was panning over the lake.

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@fortran: Dammit, I was hoping that video would show me some super obscure stuff I missed. Most of the things in there are just stealth game staples I expect to be in a game like this.

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@tomba_be: The old games certainly don't control as well as MGSV but they also don't control as poorly as Metal Gear Scanlon made them seem to. Most people who play the old games now have trouble because they expect them to control the way modern games do. When those games came out back in 1998 or 2001 those control schemes were totally fine because there was no accepted standard.

Also to my knowledge a lot of these episodes have been recorded a long time ago all at once so the reason there doesn't seem to be any response to feedback is a bulk of the episodes were most likely recorded all within a week or something due to Drew going overseas.

I checked out of this series after the second episode of MGSV because I honestly don't think this game is structured in a way to make this format entertaining. I came back to this episode to see if much had changed/improved to only find that it has become drastically worse.

The second I heard Drew lament the idea of having to fulton every soldier I knew this would end up a bad series.

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@bribo: And a fuckton of other franchises that come out of Japan.