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I have turned to the Dark side!

I have succumbed to the nasty side of the consoles when I finally realized that I will never get that $500 dollar graphics card for my awesome quad-core PC.

Yes we can, as Obama chanted! My friends have made an effort to lure me to the console side and they didn't stop at that - no they tricked me into buying one of them Xbox 360's! Another product in my house which has the name Microsoft on it's back (or front which makes more sense). It's the 120 GB Elite model that is now hooked up to my sweet Full-HD TV. I have to note that this is the first console I have ever owned - that doesn't mean it's the first I've played on. Although you are getting this news right now the purchase was made right before the launch of the New Xbox Experience.

 Couple of notes then on the NXE, well it's now more like the Media Center in Vista of Windows 7 which I like quite a bit and Microsoft is trying hard to make it functional but still wrap it up in eye-candy which right now doesn't hurt me. I have heard complaints about the Guide being a bit sluggish at times but that hasn't affected me as much so I cannot say for sure if this is an issue for me personally. The Avatar thing is totally OK! I don't get the people nagging on this addition. Overall I like this update very much and it has done it's mission well and that is to make a rather old console or I should say interface feel fresh, new and exciting!

 There are a lot of things to mention when it comes to the features but at the end of the day it's the games that are the heart and soul of any console. My collection consists of three AAA-titles: Halo 3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Gears of War 2. In the early days I played a hell of a lot of Halo 3 but lately I have only been playing Call of Duty 4 online and leveling up to the 55th level which in fact is the Commander rank and the last rank at that. Yesterday I finally finished the game on Veteran difficulty which was really challenging and now that I'm done with the campaign I feel really good!

 Consoles maybe are the best medium for games.

 Who knew?!