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E3 2011 Most Anticipated Games

innacces14: E3 2011 Most Anticipated Games

List items

  • To give you an idea of how much I care to play this game check my Achievement List for it's predecessors. Also it's number one on my list so whoop-dee-doo.

  • I have never really cared for graphics in the longest time, yet this game, the franchise's merit/acclaim for team-based multiplayer, and the horrible hangover of treading through the Call of Duty multiplayer as a lone wolf has woken the thirst to experience this.

  • It's been a while since I've dusted off my N64, let alone given the effort to find replacement video cables for it, but looking at the E3 trailer was kind of a tear-jerker. So much of what I dreamed about as a kid was kind of taken care of in the trailer, and the 3DS has been seriously considered as a must-buy.

  • Never played a Ghost Recon game. I know everyone is scathed about what is seen so far, but this is all new to me. It looks different. That is enough for me to go by.

  • One thing that I love about part twos in a franchise is that they throw so much shit at the characters enough to have the player say "well, they are fucked regardless". What the hell can Epic pull out of their corn shoot to keep me on the edge of my seat? Story-wise at least.

  • Really eager to see what 343 Industries can do with such a heavy name on their table. Doubt that it is going to have the same impact as the original trilogy though.

  • This is 3 for 3 (...what?) for under-the-radar developers handling established franchises for the first time, and what a name! A patch of the crowd at the Sony press conference went sour for the touchscreen controls. Though the sentiment is understandable I'll be keeping an eye open to see what the numbers tell post release.

  • Trailers can only do so much. I want to know what the hell is going on here. Why is there a giant mechanical bird thing chasing these two? Why is there a city in the sky? What kind of people back up such a crazy idea? Why is it called "Revenge of the Jedi?!" BAAAAAAAH!!

  • It's Mario Kart. What more could I ask for?

  • The make-or-break game of the year. Can they pull off another Call of Duty 4 that changes the way developers tailor their multiplayer experiences and how gaming enthusiasts set their bars for the future, or will it dawn everyone the notion that the era of "Modern First Person Shooters" is now a thing of the past?

  • Part of me really wants to see this fail. Hard. That was pretty Negative Nancy of me. To be honest another part of me wants to see this franchise blossom into something that warrants a console game purchase. Something beyond teenage angst and growing up issues. Something beyond a game filled with a terrific battle-system bogged down by mediocrity. Come on, Square-Enix. Show me what you can do.

  • Never got into the franchise. Ever. This has caught my interests though, and knowing that the Angelina Jolieism of Lara Croft has been thrown, kicked, and batted out the window I can safely say that this is one game that's gonna spin in my 360's disk tray.

  • I played Far Cry. Didn't dig it. I played Far Cry 2. Was totally lukewarm about it. The E3 trailer got me the urge to play Far Cry 3. I'd say that's pretty insane.

  • I've played tidbits of the first one at retail kiosks. Other than that I've never really had the chance to indulge myself on some Luigi's Mansion. Luigi's Mansion 2 has certainly opened up old wounds, but come hell or high water I'm gonna play this game, dammit!