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The most glorious mustaches

Let's face it, mustaches are rad, so here are some of the best in no particular order.

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  • A classic to be sure. No mustache list is complete with him.

  • Again, if you have one, you can't forget the other.

  • He's a mayor with a mustache and he will kick the crap out of you with it.

  • Perhaps the most evil of mustaches.

  • Now Lemmy has something special. A type of mustache that I like to call "The Coolest". Notice how his sideburns gracefully connect seamlessly to his mustache. He hold much power in it.

  • Holy shit, look at that mustache. I have no idea where his mustache ends and where his hair begins. Hell that may not even be head hair, that could be rogue ear hair.

  • You can't go wrong with an old fashioned Snidley Whiplash evil mustache.

  • His head looks like a dick and he has a mustache. That is all.

  • Yes. I put a walrus. It still counts.