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I played PP and this link has all the PP you need.

I had so many plans for this blog. I was going to beat one of Double Fines first wave of fortnight games, Stacking and explore Steam early access with the game Pixel Piracy. Turns out, I don’t like Stacking that much and Pixel Piracy is maybe too early for me. Which means I fell back on some warm food games AKA Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword and Dark Souls. My bad.

Pixel Piracy

Look at this PP ship.
Look at this PP ship.

So I will try and talk about Pixel Piracy as well as I can. PP (hehe) is a game about a pirate captain starting his career in pirating. After creating your pirate, which you do by picking her/his backstory which alters the game, i.e. picking what your father was like will give you a better starting weapon or an extra starting pirate minion or more level up points, you start at the main town. Here is where you buy your minion pirates, ship parts and so on. Now here is where you get the unique thing in this game. You build your own ship using parts. You start out with some wooden blocks and half pieces that you can use to make a ship however you want. The parts need to be connected adjacent to each other but there are no other rules beside that. I don’t think there is much of a point for making a good ship currently, but it is nice having a sick looking ship.

Now it’s time to embark. Once you and your crew of minions are on the ship (BTW, everyone travels from ship to ship/land by using a graphing hook. Enough said) you go to the map and set the destination. The map is structure in tiny blocks side by side, and you only know what is what when you're adjacent to the block or have been there before. The current locations in the game include islands, evil pirates, towns, and events. Islands have some evil dudes and annoying ass crabs, evil pirates are a rival ship with evil pirates on it, towns are like your base town but with less of the shops, and events have random things I guess, the only time I got one my minion wanted money.

My PP ship is not nearly as cool as this
My PP ship is not nearly as cool as this

Now unfortunately the major fault I have with PP (gotta take them pictures) the combat is kind of poor currently. Want you do is click on the enemy and watch your dudes fight, The problem is that I never feel like I have any control of my dudes. I can't tell what is going on and how to tell who to attack who. Its hard to see the health of everyone with out pausing and the 2D nature of it make the fact that dudes can overlap hard too see things. I wish the combat is still early on cause I find it not fun the way it is. Once the fight is over you loot the things around you and move on.

There is not much to the game story/motivation wise. There is no story and no objective. The goal is to be the best the world can ever know. Pixel Piracy can be a very interesting game in the future if the team behind it does it right. This is also my first early access game I bought and tried and its interesting to see the game so bare bones. I still will not be doing any more early access stuff in the future because I have no interest to play early games for most games. But this was a fun experiment.


Who's a good PP ship? You are!
Who's a good PP ship? You are!

So I tried Stacking but I could not get into it. I kind of hate the trial and error part you need to do. I also feel like the problem is never clear enough and that I don’t know what can be interactive or not. I wish I liked it more but I just was not loving the style enough to get past the puzzle stuff that I did not enjoy at all.

Dark Souls continues to be a game I enjoy mostly for the upgrading of my character and decent satisfying combat. I love how there are so many things that needs upgraded, and the combat gets me invested in it which also means me getting fucking furious that no other game does. But no matter how angry I get, I would always return.

Next week, I should have beat Metro Last Light (if I enjoy it) and maybe play Dynasty Warriors 8.