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2021. Planning on beating 12 games. Just beat Maneater!

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#1  Edited By IIGrayFoxII

I think it needs to be $400 to sell competitively but I could see it being a $500 premium machine since the Xbox One S is $250.

Microsoft really needs games though to showcase how powerful this thing is. With no more Lionhead, the cancellation of Scalebound, things are looking slim. I imagine we would see Crackdown 3, Forza and maybe the next Halo running on it, but they really really need to have games and show how much better they run versus the Xbox One S and PS4 Pro. They can tout the specs and how many more Teraflops it has then its competitor, but we need visual proof.

I am excited to see it though. I am curious about the look and specs of the machine.

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@militantfreudian: It was a mix of horde mode and basically Overwatch. You could play as a Krogen, Turian, Geth, etc each with their own abilities. It was actually one of the first games on console to use the Loot Box system and all extra content was free. It was more Mass Effect in a cooperative environment.

It is playable at PAX this weekend, so hopefully we will get more footage of it.

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Yes! Very much so. Not only are you losing A LOT of money on the trade itself, you will regret it when unannounced PS4 games are announced.

You are at the very peak of the hype coaster. You can trade your PS4, get a Switch, and be happy immediately, but you will definitely regret the decision because the release slate as of right now is very slim throughout the year for the Switch.

Just wait! Zelda is not going anywhere and will be that same amazing game when you get enough money to purchase it.

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If you are unable to get the problem resolved. I will tell you just to walk in when it opens and you have a likely chance of walking out with one.

Stores like Target, Walmart, Meijer (local chain), Kmart, and the like are (usually) completely unaware of what is going on and have inventory set aside that is not pre-ordered. My friends and I have successfully gotten launch consoles multiple times using this method. if you can make it to any of those stores around opening you will probably be able to get one. You have the added benefit of it not being released during the holidays, so it shouldn't be as hard to find as previous consoles.

Good luck! I hope it works out for you either way.

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#5  Edited By IIGrayFoxII

Castle Crashers.

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#6  Edited By IIGrayFoxII

The font definitely makes me think Batman, but it seems way too early (Arkham Knight is not even two years old at this point). Can this announcement be the return of the nemesis system and a sequel to Shadow of Mordor? Please let it be!

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@frostyryan: I had a similar drop from 2800 SR to 2150 SR. Solo-queuing is by far the most frustrated I have ever been playing a game. It is basically a dice roll to hopefully get paired up with competent OW players.

My honest solution is to use your mic and when you find others that are using a mic, party up. While my SR still has not recovered, I am making my way slowly back up.

Good luck and taking a break can be a very good thing when you get frustrated.

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Maybe someone already pointed this out, but the conference again points to another Nintendo system similar to its predecessors - a year of a few Nintendo exclusives and not much else. With such a thin 2017 lineup, it is very hard to convince most people who are not die-hard Nintendo fans to jump in right away.

Personally I was hoping with this system being both a 3DS and Wii U successor we would be getting a lineup similar to both of their yearly lineups combined. As of right now I would buy it for Zelda and Mario. That is not enough to buy one out of the gate (even if I think this is the most exciting Zelda released since Wind Waker).

I could get a PS4 Pro with a game for around the same price as a Switch + Pro Controller + Zelda and I still have the PS exclusives that have already released and will be released this year to look forward to.

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It is a shame it is releasing between COD: Infinite Warfare and Battlefield 1 (and in the same month as Gears 4 if on Xbox One / PC). It is easily my favorite shooter among that company.

I will definitely be playing it on Friday. I hope it finds it audience.

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#10  Edited By IIGrayFoxII

@broddity:I am in the same boat as you. Due to my local friends (and a few exclusives), I was thinking of switching from Xbox One to PS4.

After racking my brain about it. I don't think it is ever worth it to drop a console for another, mine as well have both. Not only do you take a financial loss, but you never know what will be coming to the platform later. That being said, if your PC is beefy enough, you would not miss out on the latter with Xbox One.

My suggestion is not renewing your live subscription and just sit on the console for until something comes up that you may enjoy. Then again the perks of Games with Gold may be enough to hold on to it.

Just a thought!

@haz: Congrats. Everyone has answered your questions. I would check out the free-to-play section. Other than the titles you mentioned. There is a lot of parity between both consoles.

Edit: To correct who I am talking to.