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I was walking around a red light area of sorts in Japan and a guy came up to me asking if I wanted girls and then of all the things he could show me photos on, he pulls out a PS Vita. What??

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@ibmer said:

I truly didn't but I'm not linking to that self righteous lynchmob. There's endless examples of ResetERA being ridiculously one sided and I want no part of it, people should learn some critical thinking instead of seeing the world as "nazi or not a nazi". Disagreeing with people on there is like walking through a minefield laced with banhammers and 'alt-left' keyboard warriors.

Nazi or not-zi. Sorry. I just had to say it.

Wow, you are almost as punchable for that as this guy.

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#3  Edited By IBMer

My friend's mom wouldn't let him play games rated above his age so we used to carefully change the stickers on the case. Worked every time.

Good shit. Who knew GTA 3 was rated PEGI 12?

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#4  Edited By IBMer

@wrighteous86 said:
@ibmer said:

I'll be damned if I resort to posting on Gamespot or ResetEra though, especially the latter... you say one thing that gets misunderstood and you have 4 angry keyboard warriors tearing you a new one.

Share what you posted that was misunderstood. Whenever someone says something like this (about almost any forum) I assume they said something shitty and are sugar-coating things after the fact to look like the innocent party.

@ibmer said:

Doxxing is so not cool.

Were you doxxed? Genuinely curious.

I truly didn't but I'm not linking to that self righteous lynchmob. There's endless examples of ResetERA being ridiculously one sided and I want no part of it, people should learn some critical thinking instead of seeing the world as "nazi or not a nazi". Disagreeing with people on there is like walking through a minefield laced with banhammers and 'alt-left' keyboard warriors.

I wasn't doxxed, but there was a thread a month or two ago with posters tracking down the person behind the CDPR Twitter account and some personal info got put up.

Harassment isn't against ResetERA's morals when they're the ones doing it.

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#5  Edited By IBMer

Was this entire event just paid for by Epic? It somehow felt even more corporate and bought out than the previous years. Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite. Hey this game is on the Epic launcher! Fortnite.

The event is a bit of a joke to me, I watch it because it's another chance for some announcements. It doesn't feel like a celebration of video games except for rare moments like the God of War actor saying "Read it boy" to the other actor.

All of the eSports categories are a joke, if you aren't a member or player of a community/game, nobody knows who any other team/player nominated is. What's the point? Then again I guess the entire event is a popularity contest when you break it down.

It's a cardboard frame of an award show but beneath the surface is a briefcase full of v-bucks.

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#6  Edited By IBMer

@nutter said:

@ibmer: These forums are quiet, but folks seem cool and can fathom a joke or (usually) a difference of opinion.

Yeah it can still get heated here but compared to ResetERA which is, IMO, among the most toxic forums I've ever seen, it's a god damn paradise. Being on the "good" side of the political spectrum doesn't mean you can't be just as toxic as anyone else. Doxxing is so not cool.

As Father Jack Hackett would say, they're a "Shower of bastards".

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#7  Edited By IBMer

The new site sucks, I forget the forums even exist. I think they forgot how to design a website for desktops because the main page wastes so much space, no reason to remove the forum list when 70% of the screen is devoted to a video still.

I'll be damned if I resort to posting on Gamespot or ResetEra though, especially the latter... you say one thing that gets misunderstood and you have 4 angry keyboard warriors tearing you a new one.

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#8  Edited By IBMer

Sounds great if not for fucking Tencent. We just dodged a bullet with Rainbow Six Siege being subjected to China's dictatorship, I don't like the idea of them buying up more and more western outfits or them having influence over them through Epic.

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