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Gym Diary - I spend a lot of time at the gym.

Dear duders.

The gym has been packed this past month, as I expected of course but shit its like 3 times the amount of people here now. Before Christmas it was pretty much dead, classes I took had just a few of us there and the gym itself was very quiet. I went to my classes though but didn't go to the gym as much as I would have liked. My new years revolution was to go to the gym more often and be a healthier person, so thats exactly what I have been doing, here is my current routine.

  • Monday - 45 Minutes in the gym.
  • Tuesday - 45 Minutes in a Cardio/Boxing class.
  • Wednesday - 45 Minutes in a Spinning class.
  • Thursday - 45 Minutes in the gym.
  • Friday - Day off.
  • Saturday - 45 Minute Boxercise class.
  • Sunday - 45 Minute Spinning class.

I only started this routine last week, so I am still quite tired. Before I would go on a Tuesday, Wednesday and a Saturday, so I have doubled my efforts and am feeling happier for it. I've been going through personal issues lately, I am much better now and I think it's because of the gym. My doctor told me to go someplace that makes me happy, so I did just that.

I have been going to the gym since the summer, I have changed a lot since then and I think at last I am starting to notice a difference. I'm not like some body builder with huge guns and a six pac, but they are still things I have noticed. For example I no longer get out of breath so easily, before I started going to the gym a long flight of stairs would make me worn out, no longer. I can run for longer periods of time, a year ago I started to take up jogging, I couldn't make it to the bottom of my street without keeling over and dying. Now I am able to jog top the bottom of the high street and back again without even stopping. Without sounding like a braggart I think the muscles in my arms are slightly bigger too, sadly no six pac of any kind but hey, soon!

To help me stay fit and healthy I have started to be more careful about what I eat, I try and have an apple a day and make myself a sandwhich for lunch instead of a burger or a pizza. May not sound like much, but small steps. I also went and bought myself a whole new set of gym attire to make myself feel better, I don't want to sound like a sell out but i bought everything from Slazenger, everything was dirt cheap but looks really cool and is comfortable. I bought shorts, vest tops, socks, trainers and other equipment. I also got myself an iPod Shuffle for use in the gym, running in the gym with an iPhone is not that great and honestly phones are not allowed in the gym.

The iPod Shuffle by the way is great, I had the old iPod Shuffle when I was at school, it was a affordable MP3 player that was both fashionable and hard as nails. I managed to get myself the red one which is limited edition, I wanted red because my gym trainers are red...(Am I a bad person?). Yes so the gym is still going strong, nothing really new to report otherwise, I will do another one of these later on to let you know my progress.

Seya Real Soon!