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  • Hellfire2750 followed Bowl-of-Lentils .
  • Hellfire2750 posted a message in the forum topic The Early History of Falcom. on the Nihon Falcom Corp. board

    The Youtube recommendation algorithm actually put this up as the up next video when I was listening to PC-88/98 soundtracks today and I decided to give it a watch due to how much I like Falcom games, ...

  • Hellfire2750 posted a message on the post Brad Listens to Shatter for Half an Hour.

    Speaking of Shatter and Genesis style FM synth, the second best Breakout/Arkanoid soundtrack after Shatter is Cyber Block Metal Orange EX for the X68000 (not the older non-EX version). Like the Genesi...

  • Hellfire2750 posted a message on the post 611: "jedi council pink floyd".

    Master Poof