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The Bible Crunch...(†)

Yeah, this is a Bible - related blog, but this is also the internet, and you don't have to read if you don't want to. For those who want to read, I ask that ye are quick to listen, slow to speak, and absolutely slow to anger. If you've any questions, ask, but any smart-ass remarks or discriminatory statements (I doubt any of you are intolerant though, but still I don't want to take any chances) I, well this is MY blog, so I COMMAND that any smart-ass remarks or discriminatory statements are NOT to be made; I will not tolerate them, and I know anyone who has the brains to make any can also change them into reasonable and respectful questions.  
Flipping through this cool book my father found (lo and behold he is also in it) got me thinking alot of things over (so really, this is more of a Godly-thought-based thread, and me expressing some ideas and opinions I wanted to vent out; I don't enjoy holding thoughts in)  
Okay, enough rambling. I wanted to discuss works and why they don't work. Works, people like to believe, are what saves them from Hell, but in truth, that's a load of malarky;  It doesn't matter how good you think of yourself or how good others think of you, without God backing your works up or being the reason for your works then your committing a sin. Remember, "Pride goeth before the Fall", and since we are all sinners, no man is truly better than the other.  
And now going down a different trail: What is Sin? well, my dismay, I found out that sin isn't limited to "Thou shalt not murder" and such, but actually sin is anything that is taking your eyes off of God (it now makes sense as to why we are all sinners, even the really good people). Yes, every little thing we do that isn't God related is sin, and that does suck, because I do enjoy doing things for myself. But let us keep in mind; just because we sin doesn't at all mean God doesn't love us (if he didn't, he never would've sent Jesus to the cross, and we...heck, we wouldn't have even been bothered to have been created!)  
Now you may be asking yourself "Well why does God get to say what is right?". To be blunt, He's God; He created everything, and everything is done through His approval, so why in the world should we question his authority? (We question because we are human and do not understand everything). To try and relate this to a more human level; Has anyone here played the game Black & White? well if you haven't, you basically get to be a god (not God mind you, for in this game you don't get to create things out of thin air, although I think you could do that with trees...) and you have a people to look after. Now these people are yours; they are given to you. It is in YOUR say-so what happens to them, so if you wanted to sacrifice someone to your altar, you could go ahead and do so without any human objection.  
Now some of you might not be phased because you don't believe in a God, and all of my writings may just sound like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to y'all. To be honest, I cannot convince anyone that God is real, for I am nor more human than you. The only one capable of doing so is the Lord himself. So if you really want understanding, I'd suggest going to him.   Hate me if you want, talk to me if you want, but please do NOT leave without asking questions and, hopefully, get yourselves some answers.  I did not want to offend anyone by doing this, but the Lord convicts me to speak the truth, and the truth will set ye free.