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Trust me the title will (sort of) make sense in due time...

He's irked about the campaign too.
He's irked about the campaign too.
So obviously I've been back from school for a week now and I've pretty much gone through the two games I had 'waiting for me': ODST, and Brutal Legend since then. Very different games, but both very interesting in their own ways. Maybe I'll be able to write out more detailed thoughts on Brutal Legend at some point, but suffice it to say I tend to agree with what the folks at Giant Bomb have to say about the game.  Barring said thoughts, as much as I enjoy the artistry and characters of the world I can't shake the feeling that Double Fine managed to make a single player game that is basically a gloried tutorial for the multiplayer. It's a odd thing to say, but honestly that's how I feel and like I said hopefully I can put some of my thoughts into some kind of
Anyway, the other B related topic is ye ol' backlog, no not my list here on Giant Bomb, but my backlog of games I need to go back and really play. If theirs anything that I've realized, as completely crazy and OCD as websites like Backloggery are they cement one very important and inescapable truth: people need to stop and smell the roses. I'm not saying every game everyone owns is worth revisiting to the fullest, but the fact that I've got 20 odd games that I have not even beaten yet is kind of telling, at least for me. That said, now that I've kind of gone through my two new releases I'm going back through Mass Effect to finally get a character that I might, say, carry on to Mass Effect 2 and get some points in the process. So yeah, give your collection a look at if you haven't already, might be surprised.
With that little PSA out of the way I guess I'm out.