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#1  Edited By Grim_Fandango

You can't really lose with either game--I would say Red Faction, but Grand Theft Auto does have that charm of mayhem if you really want to do such a thing in SP. Really if anything I say try and find a demo of Red Faction (PC definitely has one if you can't find it on consoles, may have deleted but I don't know) and give the game a shot, if not go with GTA as you can't lose with the game.

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#2  Edited By Grim_Fandango

I don't know, maybe it's just me but I never thought I'd live to see the day that a turn-based game could be so punishing on normal as with this game. Perhaps its just me because I play more real-time than anything, but surely there must be a good way for me to train up a bit--or a strategy I could use to help me get a good hand in with the game. I tried sub-normal and still getting hammered (I could never handle the industrial output of many planets), culturally and militaristically. I haven't given up on the game, it is still hell of a lot of fun to play, but losing planet after planet makes the game a little punishing as I'm usually stuck with just one planet (home planet), and fifteen minutes in I lose it because of invading parties ripping my fleet apart. Well, I should start writing something--that concludes my frustrations with the game. 
--- Stargazer AKA Grim_Fandango.

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#3  Edited By Grim_Fandango

Song: Chukung
Artist: Biosphere
Genre: Dark Ambient

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#4  Edited By Grim_Fandango

I lost my taste of Modern Warfare 2--it just doesn't have the same appeal as Bad Company 2. I guess I liked the change and don't want to go back; might go back for seconds with a couple friends, but the bread and butter for a good shooter for me starts with Bad Company. But again, that's just my opinion and I would like to stick with it. Was Modern Warfare 2 good? It was good while it lasted, but it did get old.
1) Choose class.
2) Get rifle.
3) Run.
4) Sit in that spot and camp (did happen a lot)
5) ???
6) Profit!  (or kills, whatever works for you)
I played TDM too many times to count so eventually I just lost interest. Got Bad Company 2 and liked the change in pace--slower and much more tactically oriented. I guess I can't hate MW2, but I can say I don't want to play it anymore--call me a fan boy if need be, but you can't really hate either game, they are both different games in some aspects. One has large maps for more strategy to come into play, the other is much smaller and therefore much faster than Bad Company 2. I like strategy, so I tend to favor Bad Company 2 more than MW2.

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#5  Edited By Grim_Fandango

See the world

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#6  Edited By Grim_Fandango

Epic... simply epic, you sir need a medal!

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#7  Edited By Grim_Fandango

Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (Battles are huge and require a knack for strategy... for a map the size of Washington to Chicago)
Tom Clancy's EndWar was a decent game--wasn't great but it did hold a unique feature that I admired.
Ground Control series was pretty awesome--lots of tactical control required (flanking etc.)
Demigod is sort of a strategy--just take it with a grain of salt and you might enjoy it.  

If you can open your mind to Turn-based strategy,  Galactic Civilizations II, and Civilizations hold their own very nicely (Galactic Civilizations is quite tough actually, start easy then escalate) But don't let that discourage you, they are very fun! Have been playing them for a while and could not stop last year (Dawn of War II and Bad Company 2 got in the way :))

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#8  Edited By Grim_Fandango
@weegieanawrench said:
" Speed Server Virus is actually kinda fun. As for the rest of this, I agree with everyone else. Campers will never be vanquished, just outsmart them. Nuke boosters? Don't play FFA. And yeah the rest of this is just being whiny for no reason. We all know about these issues. Move on to Bad Company 2 or any other FPS. "
After playing Bad Company 2, I don't think I'll ever move back to Modern Warfare 2--might replace that aptly with everyone's favorite pirate... Guybrush Threepwood.
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#9  Edited By Grim_Fandango

You did illustrate some good points, but one in particular is actually an up and coming trend in the military--specifically the Minigun/Humvee problem you had. The minigun is actually making its appearance alongside the "Ma Deuce" heavy machine gun progressively, although in smaller numbers. CROWS system is again and up and coming trend in the military that hasn't seen mass production yet. While a fantastic system that protects the user inside the vehicle, it's still a fairly new piece of tech that is rather expensive to manufacture, and build onto a platform. I do agree though, it be more practical to see the system in use in Call of Duty, would make for easier missions to boot.
Everything else I totally agree with you, but without all the perks and creative licensing, the game probably wouldn't be as fun/fair as it is now right? Really, it's just one of those discrepancies that you just have to get over. Realism over fun is a huge money maker! :)

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#10  Edited By Grim_Fandango
@Downandout: Play with friends only, or at least in my opinion. I don't trust those who are online, modders and what not.