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GOTY 2011

Here is a list of 10 games I really enjoyed this year. Special mentions for The Binding of Issac, El Shaddai and Joe Danger SE.

List items

  • Portal 2 improves on its predocessor in nearly every way, introducing great new characters in Wheatley and Cave Johnson, more variety in the puzzles combined with what might be my favorite ending of the year, made this a game that stuck with me long after I finished it.

  • Its more Batman from Rocksteady with even more villains, a larger scope and the same near-perfect combat system from the first game. What more could you ask for?

  • Leave it to the creator of the Ace Attorney series to make a memorable mystery adventure with some of the most memorable and well-written characters of the year.

  • Beautiful hand drawn art combined with great level design and a fantastic soundtrack made Rayman an easy favorite for me this year.

  • The moment I started playing as The Kid and heard the narrator speak, I wanted to see his story though as soon as I could.

  • Leave it to Double Fine to make an interesting game about child labor laws starring Russian Nesting Dolls.

  • DiRT 3 brings more of what made DiRT 2 great with much more variety this time around and some of the best in-game UI in the business.

  • A return to form for a fighting franchise that often gets overlooked, KOFXIII brings back fan favorite characters, adds a ton of new features and makes the core fighting experience very exciting to play and watch.

  • Easily Suda's most playable game to date complete with tons of crazy characters and the best Evil Dead level I've ever seen.

  • After a long hiatus, this franchise is still as funny and well written as it ever was, odd forms of questioning and all.