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What a World Cup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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#2  Edited By godzillasbrain

Fuck me, Kroos with that free kick. What a game!!!

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This idea that playing games or anything else for that matter isn't considered wasting your time if you're having fun is a flawed idea.

Playing games for 4-5 hours in one sitting is fine, but doing this semi-regularly can be considered wasting your time because the enjoyment attained from these sessions is short lived and overall less than spending some of that time working on something that is for self-improvement, long term and will gain you benefits in other aspects of life. The enjoyment from spending time on such an activity may not be immediately as gratifying, but the sense of fulfillment and enjoyment will be so much more prolonged than multiple sessions a gaming a week, each being 4-5 hours long.

The answer is to strike a balance. Work out how much gaming you feel comfortable with without feeling you're wasting your time, and find ways to limit yourself playing more.

I have an arbitrary control where each time I want to play Rocket League, I have to download it from the Playstation store and I uninstall it at the end of the session.

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Mexico were phenomenal on the counter-attack against Germany, and Mexico is historically a team I've enjoyed supporting despite having no roots to Mexico.

Argentina vs Croatia tomorrow should be a great game.

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#5  Edited By godzillasbrain

The UK news media has decided to recycle the age-old "games are addictive due to a new study" again today

It's a conversation that needs to be had, though I'm very skeptical the media is very good at initiating such a conversation without hyperbole.

Do any of you think it's a genuine issue

It is a genuine issue because games are created to get you invested so you spend more time playing them, and they're a form of escapism for a lot of people.

There is a feeling of accomplishment associated with the thrill of getting a kill, getting loot drops, finishing first or close to first in a battle royale game, completing a 'level', pulling off a combo - each of these reinforcing you to play more.

..if it wasn't a game it would be something else.

Games are a more acceptable form of entertainment to which you can slowly develop an unhealthy obsession than say gambling or alcohol, both of which have a stigma attached when pursued by yourself. I'm not sure what the 'something else' you mention would be, because my unhealthy obsession competing with people playing online (earlier in life) wouldn't have manifested in any other way because there was nothing else, and once I got rid of my gaming PC, the problem ceased to exist.

As with most answers, I think it's both nature and your environment. Some people like competing, or losing themselves in fantasy more than others, whilst at the same time someone can be more prone to developing an unhealthy obsession as a form of escapism from whatever they have going on in their real life.

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#6  Edited By godzillasbrain

Hello @sparky_buzzsaw. Tell the wrong side of your heart to get it right, and if it's the right side then tell it to live up to its name because that's the least it can do. Get well soon

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I don't even know which shows are mainstream for me to try and find a through line as to what makes them popular.

Apart from Game of Thrones which appears to have a wider appeal than most shows, all the other shows tend to be niche with a large enough audience.

If a space sci-fi show wants to be as big as Game of Thrones, then it would need relatively simple writing, soap opera-ish melodrama like GoT, enough money thrown at it that makes it look less like a TV show than a film, and an amount of nudity, sex and violence.

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#9  Edited By godzillasbrain

I need to rant about Deadpool 2. Its depiction of Indian people is racist and is guilty of the same stereotype The Big Bang Theory perpetuates as well as most films and TV.

This stereotype is summed up by Steve Rose writing a review for The Guardian, the only review (through a Google search) to mention this:

Worst of all is Karan Soni’s taxi driver Dopinder, a weedy, emasculated Indian stereotype whose superhero aspirations make him the beta-male butt of the joke. Looks as if the writers haven’t got up to speed with The Simpsons’ Apu controversy.

Ash Tyler in Star Trek: Discovery as well as roles depicted by Riz Ahmed break the stereotype and therefore this is something that is getting better.

In a time when we're especially cognizant of female stereotypes, human instinctual self-interest is highlighted once again when obvious stereotypes fly under the radar. Especially that of Polygon on whom the irony was completely lost when extolling the progressiveness of Deadpool 2 (and what prompted me write this), the same Polygon that is mostly good at championing women's rights.

I can't write this on Polygon because I have to wait a day after registration before I can post comments

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