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  • glitch0019 posted a message on the post Giant Bomb's Game of the Year 2022: Day 3.

    I love Jess, and I'm glad she's here. She makes all conversation more interesting and has a much needed perspective on games that is absent otherwise that makes the site better. That being said, I th...

  • glitch0019 posted a message on the post Oops Some Gokus.

    I love these videos. Keep em coming.

  • glitch0019 posted a message on the post Bak 2 Skool 02: Space.

    Jeff's shirt. Primo.

  • glitch0019 posted a message in the forum topic Vinny, Brad, and Alex are leaving the site. Last day is Friday.. on the General Discussion board

    Shocking news indeed. Loved Brad, Vinny and Alex. Hope you are off to brighter things and will be on the lookout for the next chapters. It's been real.

  • glitch0019 posted a message on the post Breaking Brad: Demon's Souls: Part 01.

    Vinny and Brad with a souls game. What could be better.

  • glitch0019 posted a message on the post G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout.

    @alistercat: It's obviously a much larger property in the US, but I know a few folks who are not American that liked it as a child. It was pretty big in my childhood, and I'm around Ben's age. But, I'...

  • glitch0019 posted a message on the post Episode 257.

    Does anyone else feel like Vinny is mixed way lower than the rest of the crew in recent videos? I feel like he comes across way quieter to me. Not sure if it's on my side.

  • glitch0019 posted a message on the post PAX Prime 2011: The Giant Bomb Panel (All Parts).

    I miss you, Ryan.