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  • gblurker posted a message in the forum topic You folks need to play this!. on the Disco Elysium board

    Yep bought it on sight.

  • gblurker posted a message in the forum topic Austin Walker stepping down from editorial position at Waypoint. on the General Discussion board

    I've read quite a few articles in the vice game section since waypoint and much of the work they made felt like an over analytical college exercise. Plus social justice writing is just a niche market...

  • gblurker posted a message in the forum topic Can anyone salve my buyer's remorse?. on the Control board

    When critics are mostly talking about the story and how it looks kind of cool, chances are it's mediocre. Outside of the critics I heard almost no buzz about it.

  • gblurker posted a message in the forum topic The Joker Movie. on the Off-Topic board

    @jppt1974: That is not what is about. Most of the movie is about self delusion. And top of his abuse and isolation, his reality falls apart in some pretty apparent ways that have nothing to do with be...