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Top 20 Games of the 7th generation

These are the 20 games I enjoyed the most of the last generation of gaming 2005-2013. This was a hard list for me as this generation was the one where I really started to finish games much more regularly. I've been playing since the NES days but this might be my favourite generation yet.

List items

  • I got into Fortress Craft on the 360 as my PC at the time was not capable of running Minecraft and I wanted to try this new 'genre' and had alot of fun with it. But slowly the frustrations of how little Fortress Craft offered got to me and I eventually made the plunge into actual Minecraft after a PC upgrade.

    You start a new world, you punch some wood, craft some tools, kill some mobs and it's all very quaint.

    Then you survive the first night in this game and you build a small house/cave dwelling. You go exploring and find amazing landscapes to venture into and live. You find your first Diamond and then your hooked.

    I wasn't even that into Lego as a child but this awoke something in me amazing and a few years later (I entered at 1.6 beta) I'm still playing, the game is still being improved and the community is so much fun to be a part of and watch. I don't know when it will all end but even the end of Official updates likely to happen eventually this game is so open to modding that there is always something new on the horizon. Long may it continue!

    Minecraft is not only the best game of the last generation but for me its probably the best game I've played...maybe, I mean Tetris is pretty great lol

  • At first I wanted to blow up Megaton. I achieved this early on and then became some what disinterested in the game.

    I let it sit on my shelf for 2 years despite being purchased at launch. But finally after 24 months It returned to my 360 disc tray and I lost an entire week of my life. I was totally engrossed in this post apocalyptic Washington and played all achievement quests and quite a few others. Only thing I didn't do was hack 50 computers as I failed to keep a check list.

    An amazing realized world and the best traditional Game experience I had over the last 7 years.

  • Before Paradise I hadn't been the greatest of fans. Enjoying the odd race or crash mode event with friends but never an owner of any of the games myself.

    BUT Paradise changed everything. The experiences I'd had showed me the potential, the trailers and previews for this Game gave me the feeling that they had been realized so I bought the game as soon as I could and lost soo many hours to it. The Single Player was a fun game in its own right.

    BUT everyone knows that Burnout is all about the mulitplayer and WOW what an amazing multiplayer experience Paradise is. Its a Race Car sandbox full of great dumb challenges to fulfill as a group coupled with competitive events that always succeed to be fun and avoid all the venom that other competitive games have as in Paradise you always know that your next chance will come very soon and at the end of the day its all in the name of fun!