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fzzywarbles's comments

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Edited By fzzywarbles

@steveurkel: I gotta be honest with you. I got PSVR back in February and the thrill lasted about a month. I had fun, but nothing stuck with me really, very temporary experiences. I passed on Skyrim VR, because honestly I didn’t like Skyrim. The game just didn’t have the depth I loved about Morrowind and to a lesser extent Oblivion. I did however pick it up on sale last week after curiousity finally got the best of me.

Surprisingly, I’m addicted. Don’t get me wrong the game still feels like your visiting a guided theme park as opposed to a massive open world. The scale in VR is as impressive as seeing the Matterhorn at Disneyland as opposed to the real thing for instance. That’s all part of its charm to me though. It’s funny because some of the same things I resented about the original game are enjoyable in VR.

Using the move controllers takes an awful long time to get used to. Having two controllers with identical buttons and commands that require the same buttons used in individual hands is very confusing, at first. When I first set up to play more like a traditional game with smooth camera movement and got rid teleportarion. I found that movement in the world was great and intuitive, then I had to fight..... That took the longest to overcome, because playing while seated you instinctively want to do things your body physically can’t and I had to change my approach to combat. The bow is also a bit of a pain at first. Since you can’t aim down sights without setting the bow to go into a frenzy and break your digital arm in 6 polygons. You have to practice constantly to judge an aim just offset.

I’m playing a thief character and I think this is where this game mostly shines. Sneaking around and physically checking around corners, backstabbing, picking locks and stealing. Its really too bad Looking Glass Studios is no more, I can only imagine what they could do with a Thief VR.

All in all I’m incredibly impressed with the effort, low res textures and all. What I would love to see is someone develop an open world game more on par with Morrowind/Daggerfall. An RPG that takes away the simple guiding mechanics littered throughout Skyrim and gives you a hands free adventure. Maybe some day, maybe not.