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  • frankie_musix posted a message on the post Ep. 403 - Phasmophobia.

    @ybbaaabby: I'll be honest. I didn't notice anything off with the framerate (then again, i don't get motion sickness); I just assumed he was jerking the mouse around since he was on m+k. That was my i...

  • frankie_musix posted a message on the post (06/21/2019).

    @thisismrle said:I assume Abby doesn't necessarily intending offence, but Jesus, she must know that saying 'hewwo' as East Asian-adjacent is a broad racial slur playing on the stereotyped difficulty o...

  • frankie_musix followed We Talk Over the E3 2019 Ubisoft Conference .
  • frankie_musix posted a message on the post (06/05/2019).

    Man... I hate to spoil myself watching these not having played RE4 yet... but whatevs. lol. It's fun to watch.

  • frankie_musix posted a new image.
  • frankie_musix posted a new image.
  • frankie_musix posted a message on the post Episode 3.

    @dhutch:I get that too. The ONLY thing I could see being changed is having the story-centric items go into your "key item" wheel, so that players don't lose essential items to progress the story missi...

  • frankie_musix posted a new image.
  • frankie_musix posted a message on the post Episode 3.

    Okay, I'm finna get raw here for a sec.It's clear that the only reason people are upset are only because the hosts are getting upset. Streamer plays game -> Streamer gets upset about something rega...

  • frankie_musix posted a message on the post Episode 2.

    @dryker: As someone who plays a lot of Sea of Thieves and thinks it's one of the greatest multiplayer experiences in a LOOOONG time... I agree completely.I know Sea of Thieves isn't for every one. It'...

  • frankie_musix posted a message on the post Episode 1.

    Shame I won't be able to watch this, as me and my buddies are currently starting up Tall Tales as well (finally) and I don't want to spoil any puzzles for myself. I'll be back when I finish it; in th...

  • frankie_musix posted a message on the post 05/16/19.

    omg, in Duck Game that gun that shoots the really-slow-bullets is from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, the Mooninite's laser guns.Edit: forgot to say that that makes sense as this is published by Adult Swim g...