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Replaying Dead Space, the game still looks amazing! Visceral really was ahead of its time. Two more achievements to go!

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Dragon Age 2

So, Quarantine! Trying to make the most of it by going through my backlog, especially the long sit-down games which I usually don't have time for. I already played through Dragon Age: Origins and am currently on the last quest in Dragon Age 2. I enjoy the nice new spiffy combat, the story-line and I bumped up the difficulty to nightmare pretty quickly after the first 5 battles or so. If you don't, it's all basic attacks and no need for any skills at all. Like I said, been having a blast.

Until this last quest, HOLY SHITBALLS WHAT'S UP WITH THE FUCKING DIFFICULTY SPIKE? Not fun anymore, they throw everything and the kitchen sink at you. 10+ enemies and the 1 in the middle can one-shot your entire party? The unfairness really gets to you. Then they spawn 10 more including assassins that can one shot anybody that is not a warrior. I could handle the spawn more enemies after a battle thing (which is one of the biggest criticisms) but this is just nuts. My ranged can't run anywhere, things spawning everywhere at anytime.

Whoever designed the last section did a suck-ass job! I hope i can still finish tonight and not rage-quit, so I can move on to Inquisition.

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