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Best of 2009

fishmicmuffin: Best of 2009

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  • There's a story that goes along with this game, and it's a testament to why it's my 2009 game of the year. I was about 80 percent done with the campaign and got to the room where there's an elevator with a bunch of guys that come out, a couple of shock doors and two of the big guys that charge at you. I was playing the game on hard, so this room was quite difficult. It was difficult to the point that I didn't want to try it any more, so I turned my xbox off only to later turn it on and see that my save file had been corrupted. In any other game (I'm looking at you, Assassin's Creed) I would have just given up and moved on with my life, but Batman had its hooks in me so tight that I started a whole new playthrough and eventually beat the game. I later went back and found all the secrets, read every page, listened to every recording, and 100 percented every one of the challenge rooms.

  • The thing about Uncharted 2 is that I didn't actually play the game at all this year. I sat down and watched a guy play it in 1080p on YouTube. And I still enjoyed the hell out of it.

  • Resident Evil 4 is my favorite game of all time, and the follow up didn't disappoint. It wasn't as new or as completely amazing as the previous effort, but it was still a hell of a lot of fun.

  • Beat the game 4 times, but I still haven't hit level 50. I'll probably go back and do that at some point.

  • This game caught me off guard. I bought it on steam not 4 days ago because it was only 10 dollars during a sale. I'm glad I did. Made by some crazy russian people, the game has an excellent battle system and an addictive level up sort of system. It's also fairly challenging. I chose to play through the game on normal my first time through and it is TOUGH. An RPG without and potential for grinding means that if you don't succeed, you can't just mindlessly farm until you have bigger numbers. You have to come at the fight again with a different strategy. And for that, King's Bounty, I love you.

  • Borderlands was a lot of fun. A terrible framerate distracted me at certain points, but overall the experience was great and I'm really excited for future installments.

  • This game came out when most of my friends had already left for college and I was stuck waiting for my school to start (stupid quarter system). I beat it in a single sitting, and it was just as great as the first. Good story, fun puzzles, and great control combined to make this game a lot of fun.

  • Ah, Modern Warfare 2. You were a curious beast. I enjoyed the hell out of the multiplayer, and so long as you checked your brain at the door the single player was fun. But it didn't really do anything new. And for that, you end up lower on the list.

  • This game was a blast with 4 people, and we beat it during the week of finals. Got a lotttt of studying done. Yup.

  • A great return to form for the developers. The first game for the DS wasn't as great as the first, but this game was great.