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It's fascinating the divide I've seen on how okay/fucked up the use of WWI as a theater of war for the new Battlefield is. It's one of those things that clearly shows how different points of views are on things, which isn't anything new. But, whenever other subjects come up it winds up feeling like everyone believes the world is of one mind on everything (or maybe it's just a couple of people who make it seem that way, really). I gotta say, too, speaking as someone who moved around quite alot between New York and Florida and went to probably a dozen or more different public school because of said moves...that public schooling within the U.S. doesn't cover WWI much, anywhere. Or, atleast in New York or Florida. I actually remember, more than once and from different history teachers at different schools, being told that WWI was only a big deal because it's what led to WWII....and that it didn't matter much for us because we didn't really do anything there. in large, that was how it was covered. The times I remember WWI being covered, it was done within a day, in less than an hour if it was covered at all.

Which, can be a little nuts when by the time I was in Art school learning about how the generations of families and young men that were brutally killed in it. And just how WWI sounded like the most literal version of a human meat grinder I'd ever heard of. And I'm going to assume that the game won't do it justice. Nothing I've seen from the Battlefield games would suggest that they've got the storytelling chops to do it without either being over the top ala Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor.

On another note, it was kinda weird to hear how annoyed Austin was about Uncharted 4, and how he seemed to just be contrarian to just disagree with other people who were saying things he didn't like. It was just weird, and I'm not looking forward to hearing him talk about the game when he does play it. I'd rather they just don't talk about the game at all if it just leads to this point-by-point-why everyone is wrong segment or something. Also, I was reminded at how much the Giantbomb crew didn't like The Witcher 3, and that's just a bummer, and how 'since nobody beat the game that means the game sucked' or 'the story was shitty because the game was too long' and....sigh...just a bummer. Another game I'd rather nobody on the crew talk about again, either.

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"Uncharted 4 isn’t a perfect game."

Yet you give it a perfect score?


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Edited By firecracker22

You know, I think because I just recently caught up on listening the GOTY (Nobody on the crew seemed to really like the Witcher) and listening to this new podcast, I'm reminded that Jeff doesn't like any of the Uncharted games, I've started to wonder what games with good storytelling does Jeff like? I was trying to think, and wasn't sure exactly. I'm not sure if it's just a string of the more recent games that he's seemed to not enjoy are painting my thoughts on this.

Pretty sure a few of the GTA games, One or two Metal Gears Solid games and Saints Row (I know Rockstar does great storytelling, Kojima's a great storyteller, but I can't speak to the storytelling of the Saints Row games).I think I'm more in line with Vinny's taste, and bit more drawn to games with good storytelling.

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So, I noticed that Austin pointed out that we shouldn't see this as the end of Marvel or Star Wars in games. And he's right about that. Star Wars has some games brewing, and I'm confident we'll see another Battlefront.

But, with Marvel...I have a feeling aside from Lego games and something with TellTale, Marvel games will probably be stuck to mobile games for the foreseeable future.

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Edited By firecracker22

Man, I'm happy someone else noticed. Almost felt like I might be crazy, because he looked exactly like Geralt. Especially Geralt from Assassins of Kings, same hair style and stubble and everything.

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Gotta say, being part of or into illustration mediums, like graphic novels, can be met with the same kind of skepticism. I've met people who think, that because I want to draw and write comic books for a living that I have a (no joke) serious mental health problem or have a Peter Pan complex where I think I'm still 10 years old. I have extended family that think I'm mentally ill because I went to Art School and still pursuing a career in Comics. They're all saying things like that solely based on "oh, comic books...", without even actually looking at any artwork I produce.

Even in Art School, sometimes I'd get weird looks or comments about my major being Cartooning from Fine Arts or Graphic Arts majors. So, if I'm catching that shit from other's no surprised I'm getting it from regular folks. At some point, you've got to shrug that shit off and keep doing what you love, and fuck everyone who wants to hold that against you. I think explaining what you're into or what you do, that's not so bad and can be a really cool moment of connecting to someone else who may not have known about it and winds up fascinating. But, if they're making these speculative and far leaping decisions about who you are or your mental health because of it...they've got to be some close minded people who I probably wouldn't want anything to do with anyways.

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Edited By firecracker22

I'm with Alex on Prince of Persia. I think it was a decent movie and good videogame movie. I think it might be a case of people not liking Prince of Persia as a narrative, mostly. I like the story in the first reboot, and the dynamic between the two leads the same way I liked it in the movie. Thing is, I think I'm one of the few people who did like the game's story, while most probably just liked the gameplay mechanics.

But, I feel pretty confident that if you liked the first game's story then you should like the movie. If you didn't like the movie, chances are you just don't like the Prince of Persia game's narrative.

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