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I've been using the CastBuddy extension for Chrome that sniffs .mp4s and relays them to the Chromecast to play on my television with my partner. Now doing that just results in an error. Giant Bomb Video Buddy seems to still work on iOS, but otherwise, having to download these files and wait before streaming or manually append the URL is a massive inconvenience for a major feature.

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@theht said:

They should make GW3 and make it more like GW1, while also finding a more interesting art direction.

You don't like the Daniel Dociu photocollage look?

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Maybe I am a wooby sensitive girl but my almost lesbian romance that never quite happened made me feel things. I mean, if you grew up using chat clients as a social hub — and tried to hold on to the same people through those channels — it's gonna make you feel, too, man.

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@retris said:

I personally don't see a problem with somebody approaching you in public. I don't really mind it, and I don't really see why you couldn't say you're busy or would like some privacy right now. However, shit like people getting mad at Jeff for not hating women or claiming this site hired Austin as a diversity hire (to them) is shit that I don't think should be tolerated. Same with any sort of harassment a celebrity gets. In this case I don't really see a distinction between a personality based celebrity and someone who's famous for his or her profession only.

This really is off-topic, but to be clear here, a "diversity hire" would mean that the applicant is unqualified yet received a position for token status that was unthreateningly exotic and chosen to ward off claims of patriarchal bias — they have to have been unmerited hires. Austin Walker is probably one of the most expressive, prolific, and challenging gaming journalists on a major platform today, and if anyone legitimately thinks this of him, or of this publication, I have more than a few words for them.

I see gaming reviews as slowly shedding the mere layer of description and heading more toward what film reviewing became, a kind of essaying that recontextualises an experience in terms of what it wants to do, what it seems to mean, its attachment to us culturally...I have lost interest in the kinds of reviews that detail to me the mechanics and general feel of the responsiveness to the player, or to its stylistic virtuosity, and I really want to see more of what Walker is presenting: some long-read, deeply interesting and communicative works inspired by and dedicated to the games he is setting out to review.

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EDIT: Oh...well now I feel like an idiot. I guess I missed your recent post while typing this. Original post below to document my flub up.

No, no, it's okay -- I definitely end up writing these initial posts a lot saltier than I actually feel.

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Of course, I'm not really trying to victim blame here -- do I think they deserve invasion of personal space? Deprivation of bodily autonomy? Am I saying Jon deserves to have strangers give him a headlock out of nowhere and interrupt his public meals? No, of course not; but I think that the nature of celebrity has evolved in such a way so as to emulate intimacy, and expecting the other half of that two way street is something you now have to negotiate in this environment.

Fandom looks a lot more like people who think they're your friends than people who are admirers of your work -- and this is because of the way we are beginning to present our content, and the pace at which we release it.

I think, in the case of JonTron, that he perhaps foresaw this, and that his move back to his old format as his primary expression is attempting to go back to cultivating a separate work, an entertainment experience, that can be admired and enjoyed, and less selling himself as a person to keep people coming back.

There's nothing I hate more than the fans at convention cold asking some pretty personal questions, handpicking their lives from a position of entitlement because they lack etiquette. Don't be weird, duders: we know this. But I think that the fact that these scenarios are even occuring are a result of the actual, formal constraints of these new genres, of how we're learning to expect well-known personalities to address us, and it's in a particularly vulnerable way for both parties.

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@tobbrobb said:

Have you played any games from Yoko Taro? Even more so than Kojima, I think he leaves a very clear signature in his games. Whether he falls under your point of being influenced by movies, I don't feel qualified to speak on.

I'm personally fairly fond of the auteur theory, and whether it's placebo or filling the blanks myself (Beginners Guide, play it). The signature of the auteur director has left a constant impression in many of my favorite games. People like Hideki Kamiya, Atsushi Inaba, Hidetaka Miyazaki, Jenova Chen, Hiroshi Iuchi and the previously mentioned Hideo Kojima and Yoko Taro, have left such a great impression on me over the years that is very hard to deny at this point. Illusory or not, the impression of an auteur creating a thoroughline through all these interesting games is something I personally value and wouldn't mind seeing more of.

While I must confess my ignorance regarding your examples, I want to clarify that I do not seek to be prohibitive. I'm not saying "auteurs don't real," or that the theory is pointless. The thing about all theories is that they are useful, albeit flawed tools. What I want to imagine is how difficult it might be to read from the same criteria we used in film to a medium that is so, so far beyond it. I think that to a degree it lies toward games that have what I called "conversational" aspects, or more accurately, a communicativeness that lends its idiosyncrasies to become projected into the ghost of an auteur within the text. The exception to this is, of course, games that themselves emulate or pay homage to film itself, which themselves are predisposed toward telling a story in a way that allows the auteur to be read in a similar way that we would a film or a movie.

But, say, Skyrim? It's a bit harder to see one person in that.

I personally think that with a smaller team that has a larger input, a greater predisposition toward seeing that same auteur might develop, because all auteurs in film have come about from similar means -- a collaboration of likeminded people whose individual signatures upon a work get read, by a viewer, as a single, unified, "auteur".

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