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Best of 2011

I'm a bit sadface about not seeing another user-based GOTY event like last year, so I figured I'd just do my top ten anyways :3

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  • Picked this up after visiting Japan for the second time and started foaming at the mouth from withdrawal symptoms. The atmosphere was great, the story was interesting (for a guy that hasn't played any of the other games at least) and the gameplay didn't get stale. Luckily I managed to beat it before Uni started again, thus saving my degree.

  • Haven't had this much fun in a Pokémon game since the original Gold Version. The designs aren't all amazing, but the new features, animations and most definitely the sound track make it a sure pick up for the DS.

  • Bought it on release and do not regret that decision one bit. The gameplay was fun and refreshing, but that story! Who saw that ending coming? Also, I want my own Missile.

  • This filled the void that 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors left from last year. Some great characterisation is this game, which is absolutely necessary when the game starts relentlessly picking them off. Jaw-dropping moments and stunning horror both inclusive.

  • Phelps was a great character, and his rise and fall was a great one indeed. Plus those facial animations never got old. Makes you wonder about the next big step and if people will try the same techniques.

  • I played this whenever I needed a break from coursework. It's amazing how much fun you can have when you are essentially doing the same thing. Hunting out new items and perfecting your dodging strategies isn't going to get old for a long time.

  • Say Apple. Wheatley makes this game. Also Valve.

  • Finished it in just a few days, and it's a worthy sequel to the awesome Arkham Asylum. Wish there was a little more depth to the sidequests, but besides that it's a super fun game.

  • This title would probably be higher if I'd had more time to spend on it, but it's clear that this is an extremely polished game. Oblivion never really held my interest, but I always have an urge to head into Skyrim and bash a dragon in the face.

  • I'm sure Ultimate is the better game, what with Phoenix and all that, but I have yet to pick it up. I put a huge amount of time into the single player alone, which the simplified yet deep fighting system really makes the game. In my opinion, definitely a step up from the previous game.