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enthalpy's comments

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Edited By enthalpy

Here in Chicago, there's a salon called Great Head, which I always have a little chuckle about.

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Edited By enthalpy

At least with this one, you can play whenever you want instead of seeing energy costs that recharge over time--your power is gated by time and card unlocks. And if someone decides to buy a bunch of cards and rank up, they'll rise out of whatever bracket they're in very quickly. And if you get in a clan, people give you cards like crazy because you're incentivized to. And you can't even unlock certain cards until you hit a certain rank so it's not as if you can get hit by super high ranked cards in early levels.

I actually think that this is a less exploitative F2P model than most of the other ones that I've seen.

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@teddie said:

Now just hold on a second here podcast image, isn't the correct taco filling order: lettuce on bottom, meat in the middle, cheese on top? If you put the cheese on the lettuce it doesn't melt and who the fuck wants a taco without melty cheese?

how about cheese on the bottom, meat in the middle, lettuce on top? gets the most out of the melty cheese. also, beans belong in a taco. it goes cheese, beans, meat, lettuce. then the cheese gets melted, the meat all stays in the taco since it sticks to the beans, and take the lettuce off because fuck that noise. eat some kale later when you're angry that you ate ten tacos if you want your cell walls for the day so that you can poop tomorrow. i've never done that, i swear.