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GB Subtitles First Try Let's Go

A few years ago I talked about starting a Giant Bomb subtitling project, as I think others have before, but since the videos tend to be hours long, it's a lot of work. I had some time I couldn't do much with, so I spent the past few days subtitling this 4-minute one-man Quick Look. You can download the results here. Some of the audio is colored to represent the game announcer. The original plan was to assign a different color to each member of staff and I still think that's a good idea if I continue. Let me know any feedback you might have.

I'll start on some longer videos with more people right now, so I'll see you in a year when I've finished the next one!

You know how to use subtitles with a video, don't you? Just download the subtitles and the video (Do you still have to be Premium to download videos?) Once you're playing the video locally, your video player should have some options to choose a subtitle track on the toolbar or if you right-click the video.

My original thread, for reference.


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