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Average score of 3 user reviews

A game that Suceeds in Some Aspects, Yet Fails in Others. 0

Castlevania has had a vast history on Nintendo's handheld systems dating back to the original gameboy. This history on these consoles not only extended the life of the franchise but produced some the most memorable and successful games of that series. This said, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate attempts to revive this lineage with a new approach for the franchise. Developed by Mercury Steam, Mirror of Fate embraces the identity made by Castlevania: Lords of Shadow as it is a means to ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A game that Suceeds in Some Aspects, Yet Fails in Others. 0

Castlevania has had a vast history on Nintendo's handheld systems dating back to the original gameboy. This history on these consoles not only extended the life of the franchise but produced some the most memorable and successful games of that series. This said, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate attempts to revive this lineage with a new approach for the franchise. Developed by Mercury Steam, Mirror of Fate embraces the identity made by Castlevania: Lords of Shadow as it is a means to ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A game that Suceeds in Some Aspects, Yet Fails in Others. 0

Castlevania has had a vast history on Nintendo's handheld systems dating back to the original gameboy. This history on these consoles not only extended the life of the franchise but produced some the most memorable and successful games of that series. This said, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate attempts to revive this lineage with a new approach for the franchise. Developed by Mercury Steam, Mirror of Fate embraces the identity made by Castlevania: Lords of Shadow as it is a means to ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.