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#1  Edited By dvand987
Rocket Launcher Explosion Jump
Rocket Launcher Explosion Jump
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#2  Edited By dvand987

Hover boots

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#3  Edited By dvand987

Yes it do.

The most recent Scribblenauts quicklook was hard to watch. Patrick annoys me in the way only a little brother can get under your skin. He is constantly talking over other to make his uninspired points/jokes which are usually just him re-hashing a previously made statement. There was a point in the quicklook where Patrick feels the need to pick on every little thing the developer says and does.

It seems like they put Ryan in there to do a sort of 'Damage Control' for when Patrick makes mistakes. Patrick has a tendency to point out every little mistake everyone else makes, claims knowledge in areas where he lacks it and has a "you tell me first so I can see if YOU KNOW what you are talking about" attitude, and makes overly simplistic comments that come off as offensive or disrespectful.

I used to have a huge problem with Patrick but I can tell he truly doesn't mean to come off as an annoying brat, over the past few months he has calmed down a bit and does have decent insight on the things he actually has knowledge in. Overall Pat is a good guy, you can tell he is passionate about games and thats what is important to me...I just won't be watching Spookin' with Scoops ever again.

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#4  Edited By dvand987

Way to go Jeff, building brand awareness for Giant Bomb is always a great thing no matter what the medium.

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#5  Edited By dvand987

@Andorski: I'm the same way, one of the first real reviews I have read all the way through was Jeff's Halo 4 review. That was because I was unsure on the game still and wanted to read his thought more indepth than just listening to the cast or watching the video... I ended up buying it and was still disappointed despite the positive review.

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#6  Edited By dvand987

I don't like paying for xbox live, but I don't have a PS3. I've had limited experience with PSN itself but I feel like xbox live has more of what I'm looking for as far as ease of access and integration. I like the amount of info you can get from user profile in Xbox live.

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#7  Edited By dvand987

So I was browsing the dashboard and saw that there was an add for 'Halo Radio on iHR' So I thought that could be interesting. I wasn't expecting much, hoping that it would be some sort of Halo related talk radio but figuring that it would probably be just a music station with cool music that makes you want to play Halo and shoot people to.

Well after the iHeart Radio app installed it took me just to the main dashboard of the app itself not even the Halo station I had thought I was selecting from the xbox dashboard. I pressed 'Y' and ran a search for halo, and only one station came up on the search called 'Master Chief Radio' and clicked it. Aaliyah's "Try again" was playing and the tag like for the station itself was "Music to play Halo 4 by, a 343 industries mix" I don't feel like playing Halo 4 to that song at all...

Finding myself getting angry about the flagrant use cases of Halo marketing overall I pushed myself to find some good in this particular situation I put myself in. So I decided to try two things;

  1. See if I can play Halo and listen to iHeart radio's Halo station at the same time...(Since the stations tagline is 'Music to play Halo 4 by' ... I figured that since you can play music from your hardrive while playing games, maybe iHeart Radio figured out how to play radio over your game as well! Can't be too hard to figure out right?)
  2. Back out of the iHeart radio app and reselect the original halo radio ad to see if now that I have the app installed if it would take me straight to said station without me having to search for it. (At least that would be kind of useful)

Well I was disappointed on both fronts; NOT ONLY DOES clicking the Halo station add from the xbox dashboard just brings you to iHeart radio's dashboard and not the station it implies, BUT it doesn't even let you PLAY the game to the station AS IT ADVERTISES!

In conclusion, I'm a jaded gamer that is frustrated with my Halo 4 game experience overall, and tired of the overwhelming marketing campaign of this game let alone the half-assed attempt iHeart radio made here. If you are going to hop on the Halo 4 bandwagon, GREAT but just take the extra time to do it right. Make it so your station ad buttons lead to said station, and let me listen to your app while playing my games. I had to play two hours of MineCraft just to calm down

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#8  Edited By dvand987

Same as these two, add me if you need another squadie

GT: BuschBaby87

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#9  Edited By dvand987

@Bane122: The extra character class comes free with all pre-orders. The way it works is that when ever they finish making that class and release it, you will get it for free, if you pre-ordered. The other thing is if you get the game at gamestop, you get access to some dlc before everyone else.

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#10  Edited By dvand987

@falserelic: You might as well drop 5 bucks on the preorder before release though cuz you get a bunch of additional content, including that new character class when they finish it. It's my b-day the 15 so this is goona be my gift to myself as well man, happy birthday duder.