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  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post Game of the Year: Day 2.

    Two things.I played San Andreas DE on my Series S and encountered NOT A SINGLE one of the same five bugs that were passed around twitter. The reaction to these games was completely overblown and compl...

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post 713: Pokémon BDSM.

    Have any of them actually played the GTA remasters? Some of the AI upscaling is unfortunate but I had really good, problem-free experience with them. This happened with 2077 too, I played at launch an...

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post 712: Endless Forgiveness.

    I finished SA Definitive on Game Pass, had a blast with very minimal problems, barely any more than on the PS2. Felt great to play, looked great.I can say as a matter of fact that you all saw the same...

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post 710: PP Cost.

    Voice of Cards segment was a pain to listen to, just the most bare minimum assessment 😬

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post 706: Key Lad.

    Not even Ben and Jan combined can save this podcast from the worst, most misinformed discourse surrounding Kingdom Hearts and Smash Bros. I've heard this year.

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post 700: Toilet Crime.

    @onemanarmyy: Outer Wilds is a bad game in every respect though?

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post 700: Toilet Crime.

    The fuck you go from 12 Minutes to Doki Doki, not similar even slightly

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post 678: A Horse Named PlayStation.

    It's time for another "skim past Jason's fumbles describing MH" episode.Also fuck Rise, shit sucks

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2020: Day Five.

    Glad to hear *actual* discussion around TLOU2 rather than needless dismissal.I think the argument of thinking you get the point only to have the story keep going (even when it FELT like it should have...

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2020: Day Four.

    I don't think I've enjoyed a single discussion around FF7R on this podcast. Absolutely butchered.

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2020: Day Three.

    Everything they said about Astro could have been said about the Dualsense, that should have been nominated instead.

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2020: Day Two.

    How the fuck (how the FUCK) does Giant Bomb talk about the FF7R soundtrack and not mention Due Recompense.Anyway, that soundtrack is a masterwork of big talent, suggesting it's anything less is silly.

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2020: Day One.

    @cuuniyevo: If you're not in the mood for something like that or aren't comfortable that's perfectly fair, but it's not a valid criticism in arguing whether something is good or not.

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2020: Day One.

    Everyone desperately trying to find reasons to dislike TLOU2, lmao, the '2020 Covid' excuse doesn't even work as a complaint. So fucking dumb.

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2020: Day One.

    @strings19: Played 70 hours on Series S and literally never encountered anything even close to that.

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post 669: I'm Always in Pose 6.

    The update killing Brad's progress is a shame, but that is definitely just as much a problem of the game not letting you save for no good reason. I'm loving Quick Resume so much.

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post 667: Sega to Make New Genesis!.

    Another great episode of factuals errors and me (once again) wondering what these guys' jobs actually are.It must be tough, and I mean that sincerely, but maybe it's time to invest in a dedicated Fact...

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post 667: Sega to Make New Genesis!.

    @xiphos480: Yep, I got The Sun ending after 70 hours on Series S and had a great, mostly bug-free time with it.I wouldn't give 2077 GOTY but I'll certainly be coming back to it for years to come.

  • dolphin_tequila posted a message on the post Ep. 288 - The Giant Beastcast.
