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Playing last years games or searching for new ones?

Still playing through a batch from last year! Got to complete Assasins Creed II, which is an absoloute pleasure, and i never completed boarderlands since i'm doing it on a loyal two player co-op. So me and my buddy will have to find time to riot through that. I would also like to level up on MW2 and me and my hosue mate are back into ODST fire fight, so i got a few games to play and i'm looking forward to playing all of them!
As well as this i have a wierd want for Bayonetta, i think it just looks so fun. So that will probably be my next purchase.


Something with controls and graphics equivilent to the last..

generation, whatever that may be at the time. As well as room for movies/music which is currently being done and perhaps also a phone. 
Something like the i-phones applications and phone, with psps style graphics, DS innovation and just good (relevant to the games coming out now) controls on the thing.