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10-15 games mostly from 2017 I thought were ok, plus orb analysis

another wanky list including Best Old Game, but most importantly orb analysis and score

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  • I just love the way this game looks, feels, sounds, everything about it.

    there are a few orbs in this game of "good" quality. orb score 7

  • there are shit for orbs in this game. orb score 0

  • Oh buddy, we hit the mother load. there are some good ass orbs in this game, in fact the gameplay is centered around a sweet sweet fuckin orb. if you're as into orbs as I am you gotta pick this shit up. orb score 10

  • There are a few orbs here. They are below average. orb score 3

  • hmm, no orbs really. good game though. orb score 0

  • Lots of very good orbs to imprison. orb score is 10

  • didnt see any orbs.... orbscore is 0

  • I've always wanted to get off my ass and change the world, but unfortunately not everyone can achieve their dreams. Because if we all got to be happy then everyone would be a movie director or a baseball player or a 5 star business owner or a writer (puh!) and the shit jobs that actually matter and require real work would never get done. Persona 5 is, on its surface, a game about how these roles that are defined for us are crap, and the cops are fucking lame, which is just all the true shit I live by. Unfortunately its disappointing in this regard. You think its gonna be about crime kids, but really its about becoming a good samaritan - a "good cop." The ultimate message ends up being "ask questions, sure, but don't be too weird, like don't be gay or anything."

    So thanks Persona 5 for letting me live out my life long fantasies of being a woke atheist who nails his teacher.

    some orbs. orb score 3

  • Your piece of shit grandpa is back and this time he lays on the bullshit twice as thick. He's only got a single orb. orb score 2

  • planets are technically orbs, and also nothing, and also everything. orb score 5

  • Best old game winner

    Every time I return to Stardew Valley, much like life, it becomes less and less idyllic as time goes on, and the fact that my time with it is ultimately finite sinks in even more. Its basically a farming, chopping, gift-giving, conveyor belt now, and the structure becomes more overbearing by the day. I stay with it, though, as the good outweighs the bad, and there's still some stuff to do. Which is funny, as that's the justification a lot of people give for sticking with real life.

    Which is why I say its like a drug. Its a taste of a world I am far away from, that my mind can only imagine.

    some solid orbs, I would say they are of above average quality. orb score 6

  • Best old game winner

    no orbs but there is roy orbinson. orb score 1.

  • Best old game winner

    orb score 2.

  • Best old game winner

    The characters in this game are so amazing. also some very good orbs. orb score 8. great orbs