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is anyone else just really happy they finally real eased it on PS4? I mean, the only reason I really cared about a remake was to be able to play the game I know and loved again, with a controller instead of emulator. I got that this weekend, and am enjoying the shit out of the game again.

I'm good. they can fuck up the remake however they want now, cause I don't care any longer. literally anything other than the exact same game with updated graphics is not what I'd want anyway, so once I knew they weren't doing that they could have nic cage voice Tifa for all I care now--I'm out.

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@reelife: the obsidian thing is a different situation because it was a backer's content that people were objecting to, as well as the fact that the game's lead designer Josh Sawyer said if he had seen the offending poem in advance he would not have let it into the game. people didn't ask them to change anything; they decided to change it because they wouldn't have put it out that way if they had known.

people also took umbrage with the fact you can kill a child as a quest solution in that game, but since it was part of Obsidian's vision and intentional, they didn't change it when it was pointed out.

of course "There are groups out there wanting things to be censored or changed", but that has to be the most blatantly obvious and unnecessary statement in the history of statements. nobody listens to those groups--never have, never will. no need to worry.

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Edited By DigDoug

@reelife said:

I'm confused, you call DOAX fans creepy weirdos then goes on and say games of that style should go all the way?

I also think it's kind of ignorant of you to say that there's only ONE side of this argument and there's no opposing force because there is. But they weren't present during this DOAX debacle which basically turns this hole situation into a big misunderstanding.

And no games shouldn't be censored, games aren't tailor made for YOU personally they are just like movies or music. There's a huge candy store out there and we all enjoy different flavors.

lol at you listening to this podcast and still thinking anybody is trying to censor anything. it's a business decision made by its developers, period. there literally isn't even another party involved that you could accuse of "censorship".

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@briktal: I haven't played the old republic but I can see how that would be annoying. for years I've wanted to read some of the EU books cause I love the Star Wars lore and setting, but I've been afraid of them all trying to shoehorn in movie references.

as far as I remember, there are no movie references in KOTOR 1 though, and definitely none in KOTOR 2, or at least they're minor enough to not annoy.

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Edited By DigDoug

@mikelemmer: Brad said this is the best Star Wars game. he didn't say "the best for its time, subsequently surpassed by more recent games," he said it was the best. absolutely, in 1995 this probably was the best star wars game, but in 2015 it isn't. the argument you're making is different from the one he made; like i said, i agree it probably was the best for 1995, but it's been FAR surpassed by its own sequels, spinoffs, KOTOR, and probably even TFU 1.

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@digdoug said:

i don't understand people who say these old FPS games are the BEST star wars games. they seem to me like stock standard 90s FPSs; this could be doom or wolfenstein or hexen for all i know (actually, hexen had more originality than any of those games). not to mention that Brad mentions this game's lack of force powers and lightsabers as a positive thing, when in reality they're only the main defining characteristics of the star wars universe. a game without them is...just a 90s FPS.

as far as i'm concerned, the KOTOR games are the best of Star Wars, full stop. the degree to which you can engage with the lore, learn about characters, use cool Star Wars-exclusive shit like force powers and lightsabers, and shape the story is unmatched by ANY other star wars game, period. it makes me a little crazy to see people say otherwise. i'll cut Brad some slack cause for some reason i can see him not having played either KOTOR, but actually factually? they're the best Star Wars games without a doubt,

Force powers & lightsabers aren't the only defining characteristics of Star Wars, there's also a heavy undercurrent of Smugglers, Bounty Hunters, and a whole seedy underbelly to the universe. The flavor of Star Wars comes from the two colliding; the original trilogy wouldn't be nearly as good if it wasn't Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, and one of the prequels' biggest problems was it focused solely on the Jedi.

totally true! admittedly i was being a bit reductive in my description.

i completely respect that aspect of the universe, but i still don't feel running and gunning 90s style captures anything but a tiny part of it.

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on a side note, that blaster bobbing side to side as he walks is odd as fuck.

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i don't understand people who say these old FPS games are the BEST star wars games. they seem to me like stock standard 90s FPSs; this could be doom or wolfenstein or hexen for all i know (actually, hexen had more originality than any of those games). not to mention that Brad mentions this game's lack of force powers and lightsabers as a positive thing, when in reality they're only the main defining characteristics of the star wars universe. a game without them is...just a 90s FPS.

as far as i'm concerned, the KOTOR games are the best of Star Wars, full stop. the degree to which you can engage with the lore, learn about characters, use cool Star Wars-exclusive shit like force powers and lightsabers, and shape the story is unmatched by ANY other star wars game, period. it makes me a little crazy to see people say otherwise. i'll cut Brad some slack cause for some reason i can see him not having played either KOTOR, but actually factually? they're the best Star Wars games without a doubt,

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Edited By DigDoug

@catfishguy: fucking delicious. delicious and cheap. you WILL wake up tomorrow having to shit pretty badly, but these are the risks we take.

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