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A Perfect World's SNES Classic Game List (If Everyone Was DevourerOfTime)

Did I say "Perfect" on that other list?

I meant that would be the perfect mass market list based on (somewhat) realistic expectations.

This is what would be "Perfect" if they were just looking directly at my tastes and Nintendo thought "what the hell, we'll translate a bunch of Super Famicom games that never came out here".

January 2019 Edit: I royally fucked up when I made this list and didn't include the best roguelike ever made. Sorry Fire Emblem 3. You're kinda not that great of a Fire Emblem game anyway.

List items

  • A long lost and long forgotten Squaresoft SRPG.

    You know that's right up my alley.

    It never got an official English translation, but I would've been so down to play it if there had been.

  • Hey, just because it's my own damn list made specifically for me doesn't mean there won't be overlap! I mean, Chrono Trigger is still the best game on the system, after all.

  • It actually surprised me that I kept this on here, but I really would rather play this than a lot of games on the system, including other extremely solid platformers. Sorry DoReMi Fantasy!

  • Secretly the second best JRPG on a system that is a treasure trove of memorable entries.

    The DS remake is a bloody gift, but I wouldn't mind playing an officially translated version of the SNES original too.

  • I'm not actually a huge fan of Earthbound, but it is a solid RPG with a style wholly its own, so I respect it. It's just hard to go back to it after playing Mother 3.

  • Secretly the best Final Fantasy on the system.

    Fight me.

  • Final Fantasy VI is still great tho.

    I'm not completely insane.

  • Hey, just because we're going crazy here, doesn't mean we're just looking at Japanese-only JRPGs. Goof Troop is an incredibly solid almost zelda-like top down action game with a fascination for puzzles. It can be unforgiving sometimes and the live system makes no sense (so if I get a heart after 6, I get a free life but go back to 1 heart, making me take less hits overall?), but there are very few co-op experiences better than this licensed capcom game.

  • I'm not gonna lie: I've played through this game several times. Something about having just a short 8 month schedule and a very limited system of crops/animals/events is so appealing to me. It's short and sweet.

  • Honestly you could just put Great Cave Offensive on here and it would be worth it. The best co-op game on the system hands down.

  • The art is just so gooooood

  • Again, a necessary inclusion.

  • Just a classic.

  • Hey kids, do you remember Ogre Battle? This real-time strategy RPG is long forgotten, but was way ahead of its time.

  • I said R-Type III was the best shooter on the console and I still stick with it. Get out of here, Axelay (Axelay is still pretty cool).

  • The first Blizzard game I fell in love with.

    Yes this game was made by Blizzard. Yes, THAT Blizzard.

    A combat racer classic.

  • Money Match me FT5 taking all challengers

  • The 3 Player dream is alive

  • The 3 Player dream is alive and well

  • The 3 Player dream is alive and well but why stop there.

    The 5 Player dream is where its at.

  • Okay you knew the turn based JRPGs were gonna come back on this list. It was only a matter of time.

    Excellent soundtrack, great story and characters, and a ton of charm. Just the perfect Mario RPG experience.


  • Yeah, sorry. Super Mario All-Stars is a load of buttwater, even if it was the only way to play Lost Levels.

  • Jeff Gerstmann Approved

  • Some incorrectly say that Final Fantasy Tactics is the godfather of the Japanese SRPG as we know and love today. Hell, I even catch myself saying that time to time. But really, we all have this game to thank for it. Almost everything Final Fantasy Tactics did great, Tactics Ogre did years earlier.

  • Yeah, I'm only including one of the Quintet sextet, but Terranigma is a classic that, really, North America was robbed of due to just how late it came out.

  • Is there a better version of Tetris out there? Is there a better puzzle game on the SNES? I highly doubt both.

  • The best beat-em-up ever made.

  • I'm not even that huge of fan of Umihara Kawase games. I just want more people to know about them.

  • The NES Classic itself.

    The desperate theory that Nintendo killed the NES Classic because they are going to just combine it with the SNES Classic for a total of 60 games with an increased price tag. I don't really believe it will happen, but, hell, I'd be down.