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Studying techniques/habits

Ah college, quite the pain in my arse you have become. As a student in high school, I rarely studied other than exams and major tests. I had a piss-poor average until I actually started paying attention in grade 11. Since then I have been an A-student but since starting college, I have slowly been crawling back to my old, procrastinating ways. I have a total of 6 mid-terms this week, 3 of which I've already completed. I have two tomorrow and I have studied slightly the night before. Now I got off school at noon today and have done nothing at all. I would like to know what helps you study better, what setting you study in? I just got in the habit of listening to music without lyrics which helps me study. I find it easier because there are no lyrics which could cause you to be carried away. i would like to know your studying habits.