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#1  Edited By Delta4

It's Bethesda. Bugs and glitches are just to be expected.

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#2  Edited By Delta4
@Rayfield said:

" Thanks for the spoiler in the thread title dude. "

How is it a spoiler? It's been publicly announced by DICE themselves numerous times. If you're scared the video might give away some major plot details (which it doesn't IMO, everything that could give away the story in there I already knew, and I'm sure many people already know as DICE has given some of the details themselves, as the basic plot outline) just don't watch it.
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#5  Edited By Delta4
@Phayze said:
"  Tanks are not useless. In that game my tank was > 6 choppers. "
The UH-64 Apache is useless when it comes to taking out tanks, seriously. 3 reasons:
The rockets do very little damage, and have 0 splash damage so you have to hit the tank directly [the machine gun is also pretty useless on the tank]. 
If there is an engineer nearby it can easily be repaired to 100% before the copper can make another run.
Finally, the machine gun on the tank can take out the copper 3 times as faster than the choppers weapons can take out the tank.
I think the helicopter is pretty flimsy, and can be taken out pretty easily by Heavy MG fire and the AA light tanks [Same goes for the UH-60 Blackahawk]. I'm more scared of a tank when I pilot the chopper, than I am scared of a chopper when I drive the tank. I use the tank plenty and I've yet to be destroyed by a chopper.  I thought the coppers in this game would be tank killers, but they are very far from it. The best use for the helicopters are to hover, and just the guy on the machine gun try and take out infantry and deplete the attackers tickets, cover fellow team mates or just cover the crates and don't let anyone near them. Just let the Engineers and Recon C4 runner deal with the tanks, they can take them out a lot faster than you can with the copter.
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#6  Edited By Delta4
@Jayross said:
" @big_jon: I always tap it, never tried holding it down.
And I actually like it when I get spawned with no Parachute, because it allows me to reach the ground faster, drifting down in your chute is boring.. "
Not to mention you get first pick of all the vehicles that are there. Obviously that is only  when it's the start of the match. 
You can also deploy your chute when jumping of tallish buildings or have some sort of a fall off a cliff or something by mashing X/A/SpaceBar. That way you can jump off tall buildings quickly if needed and safely land without taking any damage.
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#7  Edited By Delta4
lol yeah, typing too fast without proof reading..
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#9  Edited By Delta4
@JDDrewes said:

" @Delta4 said:

It's just a rehashed and reskined version of the first Modern Warfare (which was a great game). With a short and terrible campaign and the same multiplayer from COD4 just with new perks, weapons and maps.

You mean to tell me that a sequel is similar to the first game, but with new features? "
  I don't count new weapons and maps new features. Basically nothing has changed. MW2 could almost be a user-made mod. And anyway, I wouldn't pay full price for different weapons, perks and maps that could easily be added to COD4 through DLC. No way I would pay full price for that short, crappy campaign either. If MW2 had substantial new features and a decent campaign, then it'd be worth $60.     
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#10  Edited By Delta4
@Heartagram said:
" How did i know this thread would turn into. MW2 sucks and daz why it dint get GOTY dummies lolz.   For me i couldnt give another game GOTY. Loved the story, Played the shit out of the multiplayer and i don't see it stopping any time soon.   It's a fantastic game and any fan of shooters can appreciate that. I honestly do not care if it wins GOTY it was a complete curiosity thing.  "
I'm sorry, I'm a big fan of shooters and I cannot appreciate MW2 as a 'fantstic game'. It's just a rehashed and reskined version of the first Modern Warfare (which was a great game). With a short and terrible campaign and the same multiplayer from COD4 just with new perks, weapons and maps. MW2 did nothing for me, and I'm not surprised it won so little awards.
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